The easiest PC character to play through BGEE with?

What character class should I choose in the beginning to make the game as easy as possible?
I am familiar with the mechanics of the game, its just that I'll be playing for the story and adventure, not the challenge, and I'll be playing in my spare time on a iNew v8.
Any other tips for character creation and general tips to keep it as easy as possible are welcome. No, this isn't a troll post.
I am familiar with the mechanics of the game, its just that I'll be playing for the story and adventure, not the challenge, and I'll be playing in my spare time on a iNew v8.
Any other tips for character creation and general tips to keep it as easy as possible are welcome. No, this isn't a troll post.
My recommendation is a half orc fighter or barbarian
You just need a stat roll of about 86 or higher to get a character of something like
STR 19
DEX 18
CON 19
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10
If you decide on fighter go just straight fighter and skip the kits if you want keep it simple.
A half orc fighter or barbarian is a powerhouse at the beginning of the game.
I'm still fairly new myself and have only played BG:EE once
Good luck. Have a great time and keep us posted on how everything is going.
Cavalier: they have innate immunities to the more annoying effects in the game. The quintessential party leader...
Berserker: their rage special ability nullifies many tactics the enemies use. You need to be able to anticipate what the enemy is doing however to know when to activate it. It also has a finite duration.
Archer: ranged attacks are very effective in BGEE. Enlist a couple of frontliners and let your archer wreak havoc with a long bow. It's a more passive playthrough perhaps and can feel like just pointing and clicking your way through to some people.
One of the best early game tips I can give is to learn to time Imoen's wand of magic missile with enemy spellcasters' chants. Interrupts can turn a difficult encounter into "easy as goblin pie."
You need max str, dex, con and int (it takes some time to roll it). Later it's truly amazing.
My personal opinion is that JLee and OzzyBotkins are on the right lines. Some sort of warrior class (not the kensai though), strong armour, more hit points. Make sure your Con is 16, and you're going to be able to survive more than one hit. Cleric isn't a terrible option either, slightly more fragile but with spells to make up for it.
Cavalier or Inquisitor are, as others have said, a likely second best with cavalier being the lowest maintenance since your abilities are all passive.
In addition, certain races (Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf) do as well irrespective of class.
Edit: my monk has passed to lvl 8. (Was bit angered, about lvl limit in Durlag's Tower.) But i know monks are at lvl 10 overpowered.
As soon as you see something, just activate a rage. Point and kill. Easy and effective.
If you don't oppose learning a spell system a bit, a FMT is the most OP character. He hits hard, has wonderful protections, can backstab, set traps.
Then you can adjust the difficulty as you find out what works best best for you.
Archers win basically every fight against melees.
Skalds trivialize the early game because of all the great fighters the game gives you early on. Khalid, Kagain, Dorn, Kivan, etc. Buff them with a Skald song and they wreck everything. Easy identifies and a decent caster who can use wands also helps.
Barbarians are solid throughout BG1 and get better in the sequel if you're doing a full playthrough.
Lastly, Fighter/Clerics. Best multi-class for BG1 imo.
The only time I ever used him I used the level1npc mod to change him into a Kensai, which I thought rather suited his personality. I'm not saying he's a GOOD Kensai, more he made a career choice he's starting to regret, and really he loves Jaheira very much, and hasn't hooked up with her just because she can cast barkskin
To be clear pure Kensai is a glass cannon class, but becomes a power build if you dual class one into mage or thief. It's probably not a bad build to use as a ranged fighter. Grand mastery in darts would probably have an insane number of attacks per round, and kensai THACO would make a lot of them hit. Of course they'd only do 3 damage each, so by the time SoA comes around, you'd be wishing they had grand mastery in axes and were good aligned, so they could do 10 APR with Azureedge.
Berserker can get High Mastery in a weapon and wear plate, Barbarian rolls d12 (no plate though, but there is an alternative armor out there) and Cavalier has nice spell like abilities like remove fear and lay on hands.
Archer would be a good choice for BGEE as well, but continuation through BG2 would prove more difficult, I think.
I personally would go Cavalier if you want an easy life, as my play through with one was more or less a cakewalk.
A) Character that is easiest to play: Cavalier or Berserlek (generally any warrior class)
I like to put together 'efficient' parties that have the right combined skillset to tackle most situations quickly and effectively whilst taking as little damage as possible (I use the number of healing spells that my cleric has memorized as a yardstick). My favourite core party for the original BG is: F/M, Viconia, Shar-Teel & Safana (OK, so they do tend to leave a lot of blood on the walls and don't do 'subtle' very well but I have great fun playing them, and if used the right way can make things comparatively easy for me with my playing style).
His innate resistances and immunities will mean he can shrug off most magical effects, and since most mage encounters use Horror to fear your party, and the Cavalier is immune to fear and gets multiple uses of Remove Fear, you can simply remove fear from the rest of the party and continue your butt kickery for goodness.
While there are many "more powerful" or "more useful" characters to play or have in your party, the Cavalier is the easiest for a brand new player to jump into the game with.
Both can achieve 20 STR and 20 CON (passive regeneration) in BGEE.
Make sure you recruit a good, balanced team (one thief, one cleric, one Mage, one melee tank). Don't mix good and evil companions.
1. Be a fighter class or a cleric.
2. Stay away from mages, sorcerers, bards, monks, thieves and druids
3. Play pure class
I'd personally recommand cavalier. He is quite easy to understand and fun to play. Heck I still play cavaliers sometimes because they're just so much fun.
However if you want the ultimate melee experience go with Berserker. You can literally rip through hordes of enemies while raged and you get to be the party's ultimate killing machine.
Cleric is a pretty easy going class too since you can be the party healer and still wear best armor. Ofcourse magic system has a learning curve, but clerics are much more forgiving than arcane casters. The difference between cleric and paladin is basicly that paladin is a warrior first, priest second. Cleric is caster who can support party's main melee dealers and protect weak ass mages.
As for me personally, first class i played back in the day was ranger. I simply chose it because I loved the concept (Aragorn was a ranger after all). I can't really recall how my build was back wasn't entirely optimal. but I had tons of fun
Ranger is not as tough as rest of the fighters, but at the end of the day, he is still a fighter class that can hold the line just like any other fighter, but on top of that he can also... some sneaking
...cast spells at lvl 8 when the priest spellbook is unlocked for rangers.
...choose a racial enemy which is a nice bonus
...charm animals which can be quite helpfull in bgee.
...always dual wield, because ranger starts with 2 free points in two weapon style!
Whats not to like?
And minsc is a ranger, so there is going to be twice ammount of Butt-kickin' for goodness in your party!
Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!