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Why do you all hate Khalid?



  • shawnppickettshawnppickett Member Posts: 25
    Khalid's alright, I just really don't care about him, Jaheira was awesome, Minsc was awesome, Edwin is even awesome. I think Khalid just suffers from being a weak character amongst the strong, he stays in my good or neutral parties just to keep Jaheira around.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    Years after playing half-way through BG 1.. This is how I remember Khalid:

    "Meatshield who can't tank or fight properly."

    Here's how I remember Jaheira:

    "Weird warrior-lady. She sometimes said with a porny voice: "Yes, oh something-present authority figure?""

    I recently looked up what Jaheira was actually saying, and it makes sense, considering the spoilers I also read by accident XD

    On another note, here's how I remember Minsc:

    "I want your hamster, old man."
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Arcadius: Hey Khalid come here a second!
    Khalid" Y-Yes w-what is it?
    Arcadius: I want you to come with me to the lake for a second just you and me. There is something I need to discuss about your role in the group.

    Proceeds to the lake...

    Arcadius: Now I hope you understand that this is nothing personal on my account whatsoever but your constant fear, you lack of strength, and your annoying stuttering has been a real freaking pain in this group of the beginning soo...( pulls out his dagger of venom and staps Khalid in the back of the head that proceeds right through his mouth and with the venom, he had no chance of surviving). Your pretty wife will make a much more fine addition to my party now that she is...available. Haha...HAHAHAHA!!!! (Dumps Khalid's worthless body into the bottom of the lake).

    Arcadius: HEY SHAR-TEEL!!
    Shar-teel: What the hell do you want manling?!
    Arcadius: You get to join my group now that my previous fighter has been disposed of.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318

    Hey, not everyone hates Khalid.
    I, for once, don't hate him. Yet.
    I still have to meet him, though, so that's up in the air...

    The unpopularity mainly stems from the fact that he's a member of an inseparable pair. And in order to get the other NPC he's paired with by herself some players feed him to the bears.
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    I didn't have severe morale problems with Khalid, although it's true he would usually be the first to lose it. But if he did, it was usually because a battle was going so poorly that a reload was likely. On my first playthrough of BG, Khalid fell victim to the lightning bolt trap in that bandit stronghold with the wizard at the end. Which became a good point to let him go in favor of the dwarf fighter/cleric. Khalid more than pulls his own weight though when you factor in the bow. Minsc-Korgan-Khalid-Jaheira-Dynaheir-PC is one combo I remember enjoying. I was more annoyed with Imoen in BG1...
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