Two-Handed Weapon Style - Is it Worth it to Specialize (Put 2 Points?)

Curious if experienced players feel that the 2nd point in Two-Handed Weapon Style is worth it? The first point obviously gives you a better crit chance and more damage. The second however only reduces speed factor by 2. I'm wondering if I'd be better served putting the remaining dot into bows or something similar.
Had I been intending to import my character into BG2, however, I would've looked to start allocating points into another 2-handed weapon rather than putting a second point into 2-handed weapon style.
A pure fighter or kensai should get grand mastery in the weapon they use first, ofcourse. Then again in bg1 you can't spend all your proficiency points into one weapon at lvl 1, so you can pick ** halberds and ** two handed style. Or, if not playing a kensai, go ** longbows for versatility, as bows are great in bg1, then get grand mastery until lvl 9 fighter, and after that put points into two handed weapon style. This fighter will use only halberds but use them VERY effectively.
In bg2 you can get, with a kensai or pure fighter, grandmastery (*****) on halberds right off the start and put the remaining point into two handed style for added bonus. A kensai with its own speed and damage bonuses, on top of two handed weapon style's bonuses, will be a very fast and heavy hitting combatant, even with a clunky halberd.
2-Handed Sword **
2-Handed Weapon Style *
Axes *
Mainly because there's good Two-Handed Axes and Swords for my fighter, also the Throwing Axe that returns is nice and I usually don't have room for the Axe proficiency on someone with a shield. I tend to have a couple bowmen already, and normally if I'm pure melee I won't switch off that often.
The only thing it adds is a higher probability to interrupt a caster (you hit earlier in the round). It has nothing to do with damage output.
But it can be useful. Ish.
It really depends on how you play. When I do go for 2h, it's pretty much always on a Paladin - and then I use that 2h weapon 100% of the time. Putting the second pip into 2h style isn't great, but even the most minor gain is better than NO gain. But, if you say, found yourself using a thrown weapon or whatever even just a few times, you're probably better off specing into that than the 2h style 2nd pip.
but if you only have specialization, yes, there will be very minor noticeable effects. but effectively it will still not have practical consequences.
what he said! *points at @HaHaCharade*