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Anyone starts right off at HoW?

There is an option to start with Heart of Winter expansion, and if you create characters there they will be higher lvl with 500 k xp total. However, they will be completely naked without any gear. The game gives about 16k in gold, but the magical weapons in the first starting town needs ridiculous amounts of gold. Even after selling stolen stuff (like the halfling priest's sling, and arch-magi robe hidden in the tavernkeeper's bedroom) I could not afford good magical weapons. Got some magical armor, but nothing to write home about. I would love to get three white doves mace as it is an awesome disrupting weapon for the undead monstrosities to come, but one can never afford it with the starting gold.

If you go with the starter party they come with the awesome loot, but who plays with the pregenerated party?

I wonder if anyone started with HoW and just went for it? I assume the walking dead in the Burial Isle may be impossible to defeat without good magical weapons. One solution may be caster heavy party, with melf's minute meteors, fireballs and lances of disruption undead may be kept at bay. Or a sorcerer can use enchanted weapon spell to create +3 weapons for the whole party:that should solve the magical weapon trouble for the party. It will be a challenge, no doubt but has anyone tried and succeded?

Also, I assume that, starting at HoW I can go to Trials of the Luremaster areas, but main IWD areas are forever closed. Once HoW is finished, the game will be over?


  • 1234512345 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2014
    Hey, this is actually what i'm trying to do....a real challenge!!

    I did the little speach In Lonelywood to get extra XP and then go right to the trial of the Luremaster . This is very stimulating!! Hardcore fight against strong monster and your party is just wearing some hide armor!! But my party is composed by a barbarian, a stalker, a totemic druid and a shapeshifter, a sorcerer and a swashbuckler... so what could I ask more?

    In this castle, there's 4 tower that will give you some good loots to start up with better AC. Even with core difficulty, its very hard (playing without a priest so can't resurect nobody yet). Attacking tower after tower in a certain order and with the right boost was my approch.

    I pimp my barbarian with animal rage, shape into a werewolf, summon 4 insane bear and a spirit bear and let the wrath of mother nature sweep the evil out of this castle!!! Don't poke the bear he said....

    I guess that after this dungeon, any brandnew party starting right on HoW will be ready!
    Post edited by 12345 on
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Oh cool. That's actually a good use of tactics on your part. Yeah I guess summoning and using special abilities should be the approach rather than melee cos party's starting gear will be terrible. Does the towers in TotLM areas give good loot to make a party at least viable in melee with strong monsters? You may risk getting stuck in the Trials areas if your party can't get strong enough, but that's the challenge, I guess.

    When the game is available on Appstore I will try this challenge first thing. Totemic druid, and shapeshifter are good picks, cos they can summon loads of animals, can dish damage with spells, and shapeshifter can be an okay meleer when even naked. A sorcerer is a must to have, too, can't spend gold on scrolls and I bet you can't find many of the scrolls in HoW, anyway. I would get in a priest, maybe a cleric/ranger or one of the new priest kits, because having Raise Dead available is a great boon. I am thinking about adding an archer instead of stalker, doing good damage from afar is nice and I can buy some +1 +2 arrows from the fletcher in Lonelywood. Barbarian is a solid choice for many reasons. A thief of sorts is mandatory, but maybe an assasin or f/t might be better in combat. Swashie will have a lot more thieving points so he can be competent at traps/locks and can set some nasty traps as well. Trap setting makes many encounters much, much easier in bg2 so I think it will be very useful when you are doing some guerilla tactics with your terribly equipped party.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2014
    I wonder if anyone started with HoW and just went for it?
    Yea I did this a number of times during alpha testing.
    I assume the walking dead in the Burial Isle may be impossible to defeat without good magical weapons.
    Weapons isn't really an issue. AC and defensibility is more the issue. Decent armour doesn't come cheap in HoW and those guys come at you in large amounts. First runthrough may have involved a bit of cheesy usage of a druids Spike Growth and Spike Stones spells to soften them up a bit first :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    elminster said:

    First runthrough may have involved a bit of cheesy usage of a druids Spike Growth and Spike Stones spells to soften them up a bit first :)

    Yes, yes, yesssss - those spells are perfect. I just can't stop hailing them. Druids now rule.
  • Ancalagon44Ancalagon44 Member Posts: 252
    I used them in a certain undead heavy battle towards the end of the main IWD campaign. Those two spells plus web and stinking cloud. All I had to do was lure the undead towards the killing area and bombard them with fireballs. Worked like a charm.
  • 1234512345 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2014
    Well, I just finish the trial of the luremaster... It was the first time I face it!! Need an ale at the Inn...

    Starting this dungeon right away with a brand new party (without equipment) was my biggest challenge since I play BG1 when I was 12 years old....i'm dead serious!!

    And now my party is fine and ready for the rest of HoW!!

    The three star of the party ''Wrath of Mother Nature'' for this dungeon :

    3) Bipolar barbarian swinging the ''Axe of the minotaur lord +4''
    2) My pack of 4 massive polar bears lead by a spirit bear
    1) Shapeshifter who's now greater wearwolf with -15 AC / Ironskin

    Debrefing :

    F/T is a better choice than a sawshbuckler
    Cleric ranger is way more suitable for this than a Stalker: can wear armor plate and have access to priest spell
  • 1234512345 Member Posts: 27
    Since I did this expansion for the first time with ''core'' difficulty 2 day ago, I manage to do it one more time with ''Insane'' without the trip in's doable

    Barbarian / Archer / Totemic druid / Shapeshifter / Avenger / Mage/thief

    - Ranged weapon for everyone except 2 axe for barbarian
    - Wall of summoning animal
    - Abuse of sunscorch, static charge, thunder, alicorn lance and elemental damage immunity

    I'm now facing the final dungeon with level 17 druid and barbarian and switch the difficulty to ''HoF''

    In a other hand, there is multiple other approch you can have to clear the burial isle, for example :

    - Buff Sorcerer with sunfire and the ring that double level 5 spell
    - Lure and trap
    - Anti-undead party who repulse, run after and stack them in a corner

    To every fan of this game,I truly recommanded to try it!! It's not your heavy-duty-gear that will save your ass, neither the wise use of potion (few one), but mainly the spell, the special ability and most of all : The roleplay that give you access to numerous XP and special item that could save your ass!!
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