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The necessity of thieves in IWD EE (and some other stuff)

I have a couple of questions regarding IWD EE:
1. Can you complete the game without a thief for lock-piking and trap disarming, relying only on casters?
2. I'm playing Heart of Fury mode, is it me or are all spells that function in correlation with hit dice (HD), like sleep, mostly useless since all monsters have much higher HD?
3. Classic bards - ranged weapons or melee - single or dual if melee? (Since my bard will mostly sing/cast spells i think melee is a better choice - for bonuses and immunities and such)
4. Since HoF is harder, i'll probably dual my druid and my priest (from fighter) at lvl 3, so i can access their spells earlier. What do you guys think ?

And may lady Tymora's favor shine upon you.


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Well, if you are fine with getting poisoned and confused at the same time a lot, I guess you could do without a thief.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    1. Yes, but traps can get very annoying. There's some areas with several persistent traps (i.e. not gone after one trigger) that can make your life difficult.
    2. Correct, lots and lots of HD on everything in HoF, HD-based spells are completely useless.
    3. Whatever you like. Since as you rightly said you won't be attacking much anyway use whatever you want and screw the proficiency pips. But you'll get lots of them to spend anyway and can only put 1 per so soon you'll cover half the list :P
    4. If you go with HoF from the start, dual at 7 or 9. You have the XP to do it, and extra hit dice etc. from more fighter levels are very useful. You can do without the spells at the start. I personally like 9, but I could see if people want a slightly easier time at 7.
  • CedeosCedeos Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2014
    Just my thoughts on that:

    1. It should be possible making use of the "find traps" spell and getting summons to activate them, but I think without meta-gaming this will really be a chore as there are some very nasty traps out there. Lock-picking is not nearly as important and can be conveniently done by the "Knock" spell.

    2. Yes, this is true. HD are artificially increased in HoF and spells dependent on HD nearly useless.

    3. I use them ranged as it naturally blends in with their spell casting and singing. To be on the front line when doing so could easily mean an interrupt. And as they cannot wear helmets being exposed to the possibility of a critical hit is not the thing I look for.

    4. You get so many XP in HoF that you won't really feel the difference if you dual at lvl seven and the 1/2 extra attack and High Mastery can make a difference. I personally would even wait till lvl 9 at least with one caster as you can get GM, one extra attack.
  • NemessisNemessis Member Posts: 2
    Thank you,
    You guys are fast and prompt!

    1. :) i had high hopes for ditching thiefs.
    2. Thanks for the confirmation.
    3. Yeah, ranged blends with them staying behind, and finally it wont matter since i'll have enough pips to switch to all kinds of styles.
    4. I'll try to get them to fighter 9.
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