Kontik's Ring of Wizardry
So I killed Kontik yesterday, and one of the items she drops is her ring of wizardry.
Now, the item isn't remarkable by itself, but it has a +15% cold damage modifier.
Which is to say, all cold damage you do is increased by 15%.
I don't remember this type of elemental functionality being present in BG1/2EE.
So I opened the ring in DLTCEP (ringkon.itm), and lo and behold, it uses opcode 332.
The thing is, I'm using IWD1's .dat file for DLTCEP since I haven't seen an updated one for IWDEE.
And since this seems to be a new opcode, its properties aren't readily apparent (see the attached pic).
Now, does anyone have the new .dat file for IWDEE? If not, then some info on opcode 332 and its various settings would be most appreciated. For example, if it can be tweaked to work with other types of damage, like piercing, slashing, poison, electrical, magical, etc. - all the usual stuff one can manipulate via other, more vanilla damage opcodes.
If that's possible, then what are the individual settings for it? (cold damage seems to be Type: 2)
It's obvious the '15' is the +15% bonus cold damage, with '2' being the damage type, ie. cold.
Anyone care to shed some light on the situation?
P.S. Including a screenshot for clarity.
Now, the item isn't remarkable by itself, but it has a +15% cold damage modifier.
Which is to say, all cold damage you do is increased by 15%.
I don't remember this type of elemental functionality being present in BG1/2EE.
So I opened the ring in DLTCEP (ringkon.itm), and lo and behold, it uses opcode 332.
The thing is, I'm using IWD1's .dat file for DLTCEP since I haven't seen an updated one for IWDEE.
And since this seems to be a new opcode, its properties aren't readily apparent (see the attached pic).
Now, does anyone have the new .dat file for IWDEE? If not, then some info on opcode 332 and its various settings would be most appreciated. For example, if it can be tweaked to work with other types of damage, like piercing, slashing, poison, electrical, magical, etc. - all the usual stuff one can manipulate via other, more vanilla damage opcodes.
If that's possible, then what are the individual settings for it? (cold damage seems to be Type: 2)
It's obvious the '15' is the +15% bonus cold damage, with '2' being the damage type, ie. cold.
Anyone care to shed some light on the situation?
P.S. Including a screenshot for clarity.
Damage effects are, along a host of other things, controlled by opcodes.
I just need some info about opcode 332, because if it can buff cold damage, then it stands to reason it can buff other types as well.
But the problem is guessing the values, which is impossible. '2' is cold damage, but for all we know, fire damage might be '48', or something similarly nonsensical. There's just no way to know for sure, unless someone with scripting experience can chime in.
Even if I figured out how IWD2's version of elemental damage buffing worked, it wouldn't do much good since IWDEE runs on (as you already mentioned) an entirely different engine. There's a bunch of differences in opcodes between even IWDEE and BG2EE, and they're supposed to use the same engine.
Fire: 1
Cold: 2
Electricity: 3
Acid: 4
Magic: 5
Poison: 6
Slashing: 7
Piercing: 8
Crushing: 9
Missile: 10
and the 15 is +15%. negative values work as well, with -100 displaying the same "was immune to my damage" as them having 100% resistance.
Awesome! Thanks a bunch!
One question though: does NearInfinity need .dat files like DLTCEP?
Or does each newer version come preloaded with all the necessary info?
I agree 100% with everything you said.
How cool would a Hellfire Warlock kit for BG2 be, right?!
Thanks for the link!
Also, w00t for back-porting!
On a semi-related note, it's amazing to see the devs implementing new stuff into the Infinity Engine. I remember that +X% elemental damage type of manipulation could only be done if you had ToBEx installed. It's cool to see them adding it to the EEs.