Add Morningstar of Action +4 to random treasure list (no longer supported)

Basically this just does what the description says it does. Now you have a chance of picking up the Morningstar of Action +4. You have a chance of finding it in the same place that you have a chance of finding the Morningstar +4: Defender.
Just download the file and remove the 2DA file found inside it and place it in your override folder.
Just download the file and remove the 2DA file found inside it and place it in your override folder.
Post edited by elminster on
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But, would it perhaps make more sense to replace one of the TWO Long Swords of Action+4 instead of the Defender? Seems a bit weird to have two swords.
Thanks alot for any hints.
The first column in the random drop table lists special items, such as "RNDTRE57". If you place an item named RNDTRE57 somewhere in the game (e.g. in an area, in the inventory of a creature), then when the item is spawned in the game (when the player enters the area with the item for the first time in the game), it will transform into another item, which is chosen randomly from the items on the RNDTRE57 row in the random drop table. This is how random loot works in the IE games.
Back on the topic of this thread, maybe it would be better to add in all of the other unused random items (e.g. Bhaal's Fire) as well.