Asssassin Poison

Hey there,
if you hit a target multiple times with a poisoned weapon, do those poison injections stack?
So hypothetically if you hit a target 5 times within the 5 seconds you have to poison it would you do 5x12 = 60 damage worth of poison ticks over the next few seconds?
if you hit a target multiple times with a poisoned weapon, do those poison injections stack?
So hypothetically if you hit a target 5 times within the 5 seconds you have to poison it would you do 5x12 = 60 damage worth of poison ticks over the next few seconds?
On one side I love Swashbuckler, but my problem with him is that he can't get GM. Therefore in one of playthroughs I plan to do Fighter 7 -> Swashbuckler, because that's the way I want to play =D (contemplating giving Swash Fighter-like APR, but it might be too cheesy
And yes, some undeads aren't immune to poison, like Liches.
I have a swashbuckler (10)/Mage who I hope to give those items too. Seems that assassin could be a good or even better alternative.
If you dual-wield with only 1 star in TWF you're gonna have a pretty bad THAC0 though. Although I really love the Assassin theme I'm probably going for a Beserker-13/Thief-30 with 3E sneak attacks in my next run.
That said, if you want the immunities, Berserker is great obviously. But you won't get a great deal more out of 13th over just dualing at 7th. Rogue THAC0 will be 2 points worse when fully developed, and a few saves will be a bit weaker, but as @Lord_Tansheron has mentioned umpteen times, 13th requires a great deal of XP. If I was running a Kensai, I'd do 13, Berserker, probably 7.
If you DO decide to use a 13th level dual of either kit, I would recommend doing some solo XP grinding... the safest place iirc was resting by the Cold Wights. They can hit a Kensai probably, but not likely a Berserker or Rogue with very good armour. To solo grind, I exported everyone but the guy grinding (at very low levels, I had an escort usually, or for dual to mage) then removed them. Brought them back after and continued adventuring. Imho, the biggest hassle will be the first few rogue levels. Not fun!
For a crazy playthrough, you could do a SA Assassin to Fighter. You get more SA sooner, and your final THAC0 will be very high, plus you get poison weapon and the Assassin +1s.
Anyways, have fun!
I still maintain that dualing at 13 is a waste in IWD, even for a Kensai. You gain +1 dmg/thac0 from the kit at 13 over 9, but the +1/2 APR you gain is in fact wasted a lot of the time. Because:
Lvl 9 fighter = 3/2 APR
+ 1 APR from dual wielding = 5/2 APR
+ 3/2 APR from Grand Mastery = 4 APR
+ 1 APR from weapon "of Action"/"Fast" = 5 APR = maximum
Since you cannot go over 5 APR, you don't need the extra 1/2 APR from being lvl 13+ *if* you're using a +1 APR weapon (or ring, in the case of thief). Since there are in fact quite a few of those items available (up to 2 flails 2 swords 1 scimitar 1 ring afaik), chances are high that you cannot make full use of the lvl 13 APR bonus. That reduces the advantage of a 13 Kensai over a 9 Kensai to a measly +1 dmg/thac0 and a 4th use of Kai, which really is not a whole lot considering you need FIVE TIMES the XP to get to 13 that you need to get to 9 (250k vs. 1.25m), and then a truckload of XP again to regain those levels.
I think that getting to lvl 9 over lvl 7 as a Kensai is actually worth it, because while the bonuses aren't huge, it takes fairly little XP. As a Berserker, even that may not be worth it and you can probably safely dual at 7 (though the difference is pretty small for sure).
Berserker vs Kensai for example: I don't really like equipment restrictions and I don't enjoy running around without armor all game long. The human character model looks ugly enough as it is imho ;D It's also going to be an evil character and Berserker just fits better overall to what I have in mind.
So yes, Kensai might be a bit stronger in the end but the margin is not big enough to warrant giving up my role-playing preferrences.
Experience should not be much of an issue since I'm never playing with a full party of 6 and I always play on 'Insane' difficulty. With 3-4 party members and double XP from difficulty I should be able to reach the cap in a single run.
Assassin, Assassin, Assassin.... I do love that class. But to dual-class *from* Assassin just feels so wrong, cutting off all those nice sneak attack and crippling strike progressions... =(
Hypothetically though... level 9 would be the sweet spot, right? 3x poison, 4d6 SA damage, level 3 crippling strike and a good amount of thief skill points.
Btw. which character model do dual-class characters get? First or second class model? It's been a while since I played one...
@Lord_Tansheron: You've convinced me. ;D As I said earlier I wasn't aware of the APR cap or how high it is. The main reason I was going for Berserker 13 was the extra 1/2 APR so that obviously changes things quite a bit.
So it's not like you can just snipe *the* main threat with a huge backstab and be done with. You actually have to keep fighting afterwards. With 3E sneak attacks APR are even more important. Of course that doesn't mean you cannot make it work, but you need a disproportionate amount of micromanagement and items/consumables to make a pure Assassin even remotely on par with a multi-class Fighter/Thief for example.
When he gets to the point of having 3 or more APR via items a pure Assassin is probably pretty sick, but until then.... I'm also gonna waste a lot of XP eventually since pure thieves quickly reach the level cap and I'm never running with a full party.
Yes, level 9 would be a good place.
So if each attack you make is actually a sneak attack possibly coupled with poison it's a decent amount of damage per round I guess. With 1 APR every miss is gonna hurt like a bitch though...
Update: Ok, I just rolled a 98 on an elven Assassin... guess I'll try it and play him as party leader for my evil party. I chose elf for personal reasons and because
@decado: Yup, my bad, you're right on that one.
Can you have a bowed/darting sneak attacking assassin with poisoned projectiles?
Poison does not work on ranged weapons afaik. Edit: Ok apparently it *does* work on ranged weapons.
Are you playing on normal or HoF difficulty?