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[Android] Looking for some save games for testing

PsilocybeingPsilocybeing Member Posts: 4
I'm in the process of finishing off development of an Android savegame editor for the Infinity Engine games. Development was originally aimed purely at BGEE, but I'll be implementing the IWD save games as well after I'm done with BGEE, as my parsing engine is very flexible, and the savegame structures well documented.

What I'd like to start doing - as the editor is 'working' (as in, it loads savegames, allows the user to update values, and save the new savegame to disk) - is to test it against some other peoples savegames.

Anyone feel like throwing one or two my way? Any amount of play through is fine, from a few minutes to tens of hours. Preferrably, I'd like a few save games per person.. Lots of 'new game' save games will be no good for testing, really..but yeah, generally anything is acceptable.

The parsing engine has not bugged out at all with my savegames (been playing on Android since beta), and so I'm fairly confident that it should be able to handle anything you can throw at it.

Hit me up on here for details :)



  • PsilocybeingPsilocybeing Member Posts: 4
    p.s. as a thank you for sharing save games, the first 10 people who do will be offered a complimentary copy of the editor.. I'm not quite sure how I can distribute it for free, but likely
    hood will be I'll just credit you the cost of the app via Google Wallet / PayPal
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    Hi @Psilocybeing‌, I'm happy to get you one this evening that has some progress ( post nashkel mines, pre cloakwood), and a basically newly created one. They're both from my phone - have at least one nearly completed save on my tablet at home.

    Any specifications you want to make - must use NPCs, named save rather than quicksave, single or multiplayer etc?
  • PsilocybeingPsilocybeing Member Posts: 4
    Great, thanks. I've only tested with single player games, so I'd be interested to see how a multiplayer game differs (if at all).

    As for specifications, like I said, anything goes really, so long as I don't get swamped with games that are literally new games..I've done them to death while developing the parser ;)
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    Excuse the idiocy, but which file should I upload? I have a baldur.gam, .sav and .bmp?
  • PsilocybeingPsilocybeing Member Posts: 4
    The .GAM file will suffice, thanks :)
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    Here is the one with some progress, an mp game saved as a single player. Good luck!
  • pixie359pixie359 Member Posts: 251
    An early single player, a very late mp auto save, and a final save with 2 dead.

    Good luck!
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Do they need to be android saves or will pc saves work?
  • SeidrSeidr Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2014
    Great, thanks pixie :)

    wubble: I'm looking for Android saves only - I'm not sure if PC saves would work or not, but as this is an editor for Android, I won't be testing PC saves right now. Thanks

    Edit: Whoops, though my gmail account was linked to Psilocybeing.. Odd..
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    no problem, just thought i'd check
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