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Reforming Party

So when reforming a party, is there any way to have an NPC just stay put where they are and not head off to the Copper Coronet? Think that used to be possible in BG2. I'd like to have the option to have my de'Arnise keep barracks full of NPCs, just like back in the day.


  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    I think there are almost always two options when reforming, tell the character to stay in the place where you are or go to the Copper Coronet (or Graveyard or Circus etc, id depends on the character).
  • VyshaanVyshaan Member Posts: 3
    Yeah, I'm just not getting that option in dialogue.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    it is possible with every npc but imoen i believe
  • jimmysdabestcopjimmysdabestcop Member Posts: 74
    You should always get the option unless you are in strange place that basically isn't in your map world.
  • VyshaanVyshaan Member Posts: 3
    Yeah, I was trying to do it in a hostile area:) It works fine. Thanks.
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