How to install custom soundsets the easy way; custom soundsets included. Now with subtitles!

I've been searching the forums on how to use custom soundsets, and the only way I've seen is the DLTCEP method brought up in this tutorial: While I'm sure that works, I did notice that a couple of the old soundsets made for Icewind Dale II work by just dropping the wav files in the proper sound folder, so I figured there had to be a simple drag-and-drop solution to all this. Also, I didn't want to start a new game for the new soundsets to work. Well, by fooling around with it I found a way, described in the steps below!
First, you need to get a soundset. The amount of sounds needed for a complete soundset in IWDEE is at least 25. You can have less, but I'd imagine that your characters would be silent for certain activities. The sound files have to be in a wav format.
The wav files in the set need to be labeled by ending the name of the file with a Hashtag (#), an Underscore ( _ ), or by a letter: "a" through "m", and "s" through "y". The specific characters signify the state the player is in (e.g., "c" stands for the "Tired" state). When naming the file, the appropriate character should be used at the end of the filename.
For example, if the soundset was named "Jeff", the "Tired" sound file for that soundset - played when Jeff is fatigued - should be named "Jeffc.wav". The letters in the file may or may not need to be lowercase to work in-game...the default files in the "sounds" folder are all lowercased but I don't know if that would honestly make a difference.
There are also some sound files labeled by the numbers "0", "8", and "9". These files signify a Confirmation, a Battle Cry, and a second Battle Cry, respectively.
Definition of characters:
Underscore ( _ ): Rare Party Member Selection 1
Hashtag (#): Rare Party Member Selection 2
a: Battle Cry 1
b: Becoming Leader
c: Tired
d: Bored
e: Need to be Healed
f: Selected Party Member 1
g: Selected Party Member 2
h: Selected Party Member 3
i: Confirmation 1
j: Confirmation 2
k: Confirmation 3
l: Taking Damage
m: Dying
s: Action Confirm 1
t: Action Confirm 2
u: Action Confirm 3
v: Action Confirm 4
w: Reaction to Dead Party Member
x: Annoyed Selection 1
y: Annoyed Selection 2
0: Confirmation 4
8: Battle Cry 2
9: Battle Cry 3
If you want to test the sound clips that are already in the game, just know that not all the default sound clips shipped with the game work properly in media players. For some reason some of the sound clips will only run properly in-game. For instance, a lot of the "Taking Damage" sound files only play in-game. They usually don't run in Windows Media player, and when I try other media programs like VLC player or K-Lite's Media Player Classic, the sound clip is slowed down or warped.
I've attached a soundset I've just finished working on as an example. The soundset is the "Dark Brooding Hero" set from Neverwinter Nights, which was submitted to Sorcerer's Place ( by Kenneth Van Coppenolle a long time ago. I just downloaded it and changed the naming convention so it would run in IWDEE. It's not the best soundset, as if you've ever played NWN and used Dark Brooding Hero, you know it's not the most...well-rounded (lots of screaming and war cries). But if you're making a gruff fighter with anger issues, it's nearly perfect! I did use some of the same clips a couple of times in different situations to try to balance it out, which lead to a comedic effect in some cases!
Like all soundsets, just extract all the wav files into your lang/en_US/sounds folder (change "en_US" if you're using a different language) found in your Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition main directory. Don't just drop the "Dark Brooding Hero" folder in there; take out all the wav files in the rar and place them in the "sounds" folder. After that, just launch the game, go into your character's record sheet, choose "Customize", then "Sounds", and the soundset will be labeled "DBH".
EDIT: The new attached rar file features multiple soundsets, five in total, with working subtitles: Archetypal Male Rogue, Dark Brooding Hero, Male Assimar, Bodhi from Baldur's Gate II and Imoen from the Baldur's Gate series. To use the subtitle feature, drop the dialog.tlk file in your "en_US" folder (make sure to backup the dialog.tlk file that is already there) and drop the CHARSND.2da file in your "override" folder. If you don't want to use the subtitles for some reason, you can just drop all the wav files into your sound folder per usual and leave the dialog.tlk and CHARSND.2da files in the rar.
Also, just to note, I did not create the actual wav files that comprise the soundsets; I merely downloaded them from various sites and edited them using the steps above to get them running with Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition. Good places to download soundsets and other mods are the game hub at Sorcerer's Place (, the forums at Baldur's Gate Mods (, Pocket Plane Group (, and of course, The Gibberlings Three forums ( I've also gone to the Spellhold Studios website for modded content in the past, but that site seems to not be working for me as of this typing.
UPDATE (Jan. 27, 2016): I decided to delete the "Soundsets with Subtitles" rar file previously uploaded on this post as creating soundsets listed on this thread is no longer the easiest way to make them. I'd also disregard any of the old posts I made that have rars and zip files attached, as those soundsets are done in the old way and I've probably updated most of them by now.
Instead, I would wholeheartedly suggest using the Awesome Soundsets Mod by smeagolheart, which can be found on this thread: This mod shell is so far the best way I've personally added soundsets to the Infinity Engine games, and I'd recommend anyone who likes to play with custom sound files to try it out! I'll leave this post up for reference; however, the Awesome Soundset Mod comes with a more detailed list of sound definitions for both Icewind Dale and the Baldur's Gate games.
I've also created a continually updated mod using the shell, Swifty Magee's Soundsets, which can be found on this thread as well as the Awesome Soundsets Mod thread, and any updates will be listed there. Here's a Dropbox link to v1.5, but remember, check smeagolheart's thread for future updates: Magee's Soundsets
First, you need to get a soundset. The amount of sounds needed for a complete soundset in IWDEE is at least 25. You can have less, but I'd imagine that your characters would be silent for certain activities. The sound files have to be in a wav format.
The wav files in the set need to be labeled by ending the name of the file with a Hashtag (#), an Underscore ( _ ), or by a letter: "a" through "m", and "s" through "y". The specific characters signify the state the player is in (e.g., "c" stands for the "Tired" state). When naming the file, the appropriate character should be used at the end of the filename.
For example, if the soundset was named "Jeff", the "Tired" sound file for that soundset - played when Jeff is fatigued - should be named "Jeffc.wav". The letters in the file may or may not need to be lowercase to work in-game...the default files in the "sounds" folder are all lowercased but I don't know if that would honestly make a difference.
There are also some sound files labeled by the numbers "0", "8", and "9". These files signify a Confirmation, a Battle Cry, and a second Battle Cry, respectively.
Definition of characters:
Underscore ( _ ): Rare Party Member Selection 1
Hashtag (#): Rare Party Member Selection 2
a: Battle Cry 1
b: Becoming Leader
c: Tired
d: Bored
e: Need to be Healed
f: Selected Party Member 1
g: Selected Party Member 2
h: Selected Party Member 3
i: Confirmation 1
j: Confirmation 2
k: Confirmation 3
l: Taking Damage
m: Dying
s: Action Confirm 1
t: Action Confirm 2
u: Action Confirm 3
v: Action Confirm 4
w: Reaction to Dead Party Member
x: Annoyed Selection 1
y: Annoyed Selection 2
0: Confirmation 4
8: Battle Cry 2
9: Battle Cry 3
If you want to test the sound clips that are already in the game, just know that not all the default sound clips shipped with the game work properly in media players. For some reason some of the sound clips will only run properly in-game. For instance, a lot of the "Taking Damage" sound files only play in-game. They usually don't run in Windows Media player, and when I try other media programs like VLC player or K-Lite's Media Player Classic, the sound clip is slowed down or warped.
I've attached a soundset I've just finished working on as an example. The soundset is the "Dark Brooding Hero" set from Neverwinter Nights, which was submitted to Sorcerer's Place ( by Kenneth Van Coppenolle a long time ago. I just downloaded it and changed the naming convention so it would run in IWDEE. It's not the best soundset, as if you've ever played NWN and used Dark Brooding Hero, you know it's not the most...well-rounded (lots of screaming and war cries). But if you're making a gruff fighter with anger issues, it's nearly perfect! I did use some of the same clips a couple of times in different situations to try to balance it out, which lead to a comedic effect in some cases!
Like all soundsets, just extract all the wav files into your lang/en_US/sounds folder (change "en_US" if you're using a different language) found in your Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition main directory. Don't just drop the "Dark Brooding Hero" folder in there; take out all the wav files in the rar and place them in the "sounds" folder. After that, just launch the game, go into your character's record sheet, choose "Customize", then "Sounds", and the soundset will be labeled "DBH".
EDIT: The new attached rar file features multiple soundsets, five in total, with working subtitles: Archetypal Male Rogue, Dark Brooding Hero, Male Assimar, Bodhi from Baldur's Gate II and Imoen from the Baldur's Gate series. To use the subtitle feature, drop the dialog.tlk file in your "en_US" folder (make sure to backup the dialog.tlk file that is already there) and drop the CHARSND.2da file in your "override" folder. If you don't want to use the subtitles for some reason, you can just drop all the wav files into your sound folder per usual and leave the dialog.tlk and CHARSND.2da files in the rar.
Also, just to note, I did not create the actual wav files that comprise the soundsets; I merely downloaded them from various sites and edited them using the steps above to get them running with Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition. Good places to download soundsets and other mods are the game hub at Sorcerer's Place (, the forums at Baldur's Gate Mods (, Pocket Plane Group (, and of course, The Gibberlings Three forums ( I've also gone to the Spellhold Studios website for modded content in the past, but that site seems to not be working for me as of this typing.
UPDATE (Jan. 27, 2016): I decided to delete the "Soundsets with Subtitles" rar file previously uploaded on this post as creating soundsets listed on this thread is no longer the easiest way to make them. I'd also disregard any of the old posts I made that have rars and zip files attached, as those soundsets are done in the old way and I've probably updated most of them by now.
Instead, I would wholeheartedly suggest using the Awesome Soundsets Mod by smeagolheart, which can be found on this thread: This mod shell is so far the best way I've personally added soundsets to the Infinity Engine games, and I'd recommend anyone who likes to play with custom sound files to try it out! I'll leave this post up for reference; however, the Awesome Soundset Mod comes with a more detailed list of sound definitions for both Icewind Dale and the Baldur's Gate games.
I've also created a continually updated mod using the shell, Swifty Magee's Soundsets, which can be found on this thread as well as the Awesome Soundsets Mod thread, and any updates will be listed there. Here's a Dropbox link to v1.5, but remember, check smeagolheart's thread for future updates: Magee's Soundsets
Post edited by Swifty_Magee on
I'm wondering if someone could download the soundset and see if everything works fine on their end. In the attached file is a readme, the wav files for the soundset, a dialog.tlk file, and a CHARSND.2da file needed to get everything working. In case you skip reading the readme, extract the wav files to the game's sound folder ("lang/en_US/sounds"), the dialog.tlk file in IWDEE's main directory, and the CHARSND.2da file in your override folder (create an override folder if you don't already have one).
Also, if you have a dialog.tlk in your "en_US" folder by default, make a backup copy of it and replace the original dialog.tlk file with the one in the rar. If you don't replace it, instead of subtitles you'll most likely get "invalid target" error text as I did when I was testing. Even if you don't like the soundset and decide to delete the associated files, you can still keep my modified dialog.tlk file and run the game as normal without issue; I didn't alter or modify the game's original files at all.
EDIT: I deleted the Imoen rar in this post, as I made an updated soundset pack (with working subtitles for all five soundsets) and posted it in the OP. If you want the Imoen soundset, just download the rar in the first post.
"So how did you end up here?"
The second soundset is "Shogun", another soundset by Yosh (on Sorcerer's Place, it's labeled as "Monk"). These sound clips come from the game Shogun: Total War. They seem perfect for an Eastern warrior/Kensai type.
I'll probably upload updated dialog.tlk and CHARSND.2da files for the subtitles of these two soundsets later in the week. They will probably come in a larger rar file, as those two aren't the only new soundsets I've been working on. As long as there aren't any complications, the plan might be to make IWDEE-friendly versions of all the soundsets I can find online. Or at least make versions for all the ones I've downloaded years ago for Icewind Dale I and II, which is like 20 or 30.
If I can't do that, I'll try to at least make BGI and BGII Party Member soundsets compatible. I've already completed Dynaheir, Imoen, Alora, Bodhi, Edwin, and Edwina.
I tried to do one for Minsc, but I may have to take those clips through a sound editor and modify some many Boo references.
Unfortunately, I posted both in this thread and my readme file to backup and delete your dialog.tlk file found in that folder. So I just wanted to make this post if anyone downloaded my files and are having problems with any other installed mods.
To repeat: backup the dialog.tlk file located in the "en_US" folder, then replace it with mine and everything should work fine. I'll update the OP and my readme after typing this to lessen any confusion.
EDIT: And both the OP and readme in the "Sound with Subtitles for IWDEE" rar are updated.
EDIT: Smiling Jack and a lowered volume version of the soundset is below this post.
I just wanted to post this to inform you or anyone else about the program, in case you want to tweak some of the sounds yourself. Audacity seems really easy to use; I just dragged the wav files into the main window of the program, lowered the gain levels, and exported the newly modified wav files to a folder.
I'm going to tweak the wav files for the Smiling Jack soundset and re-upload it again later today. I'll update this post when I've done that.
EDIT: Uploaded two versions of Smiling Jack below.
The Warrior set is perfect for...a warrior! Probably would make the best sense if your fighter is good aligned. The Rogue can be used for any sort of fighter, and while you'd think it would be perfect for a thief, she oddly doesn't say anything really sneaky. The Sorcerer is great for any spell-slinging class or any character that speaks in reverent tones that tend to...trail off...
I also tried to add a bit of humor, as a lot of the sound files I had available for the characters didn't really fit; there were a lot of references to very Diablo 1 specific events. So some of those rare selection sound clips may make you giggle, or just scratch your head in confusion.
In the attached rar I also included updated dialog.tlk and CHARSND.2da files, as I created subtitles for the three characters. Remember to create a backup copy of your dialog.tlk in your "en_US" folder just in-case. To use, just drop the dialog.tlk file in your "lang/en_US" directory and drop the CHARSND.2da file in your "override" folder.
You can just replace the old CHARSND.2da file I uploaded in the first post of this thread, and don't worry if you have any of my previous custom soundsets: the subtitles for those soundsets will still work. You'll even see subtitles for Smiling Jack, Dungeon Keeper, and Shogun if you installed those files!
So enjoy, and feel free to leave any feedback! I'm still not %100 sure the subtitles are working for anyone, so just a "Hey man, it works!" would be appreciative. And if you want to make your own versions of Diablo 1 soundsets, I downloaded a huge character sound pack from here: Be warned that there are a ton of sound files for each character and narrowing them down for fitting sounds can be time-consuming. One of the reasons I uploaded my versions here, actually.
Now, full honesty: I've never played that game. I've never even heard of Bandits: Phoenix Rising until I saw the soundset a week or so ago. But the character can be best described as a loud, angry, Scottish Dwarf who has an obsession with the word "crap". That sounds strange, but it definitely works in the game if you can find a good portrait fitting that...unique description.
Speaking of portraits, a while ago I uploaded a rar file that has over 300 custom portraits I made from Google Image searches. Originally I posted it in the "Here's how to use custom portraits in IWDEE" thread, but I figure I'll post the link here as well, now that I've brought it up. I'm eventually going to update that rar file too, with a lot more portraits, so watch out for that.
Here's the link for the portraits:
Oh, and I believe this Rewdalf soundset will have subtitles in-game if you downloaded my latest dialog.tlk and CHARSND.2da files.
This is the first soundset where I ripped the sounds myself, using Near Infinity. I was originally going to use wav files that I found on fileplanet, but as it turns out the person who got those files didn't convert them to a listenable wav's one of those situations where you can only listen to the audio inside the game.
Since I wanted to make subtitles for the Dak'kon soundset and using those particular wav files would have made writing the subtitles substantially harder, I downloaded Near Infinity and voilà! After around 10 or so minutes learning the basics, I was extracting listenable wav files!
The soundset I configured is perfect for a Kensai/Mage, which was my main motivation to make it. It's good for any sort of stoic, reserved character, actually. This also fits well with a Druid character, especially with the "Balance in all things." quote I fit in there.
The first attached rar is the soundset, and the second are all the sound files I extracted from the game, in case anyone wants to make their own custom soundset and don't want to bother using Near Infinity themselves. I'm thinking I might do all this with all the party members of PST in the near future.
I've actually already completed the PST NPCs, BG1 NPCs (well only the ones that were already transcribed from and 5 more soundsets from other sources (Guybrush Threepwood and Murray and some characters from Valve games).
Maybe we can add rewdalf or the other ones?
Definitely check out my mod when I release it* it is relatively easy to expand it with additional soundsets or take it and make a separate pack.
It uses weidu to add and remove to Charsnd.2da so you can install or remove soundsets individually and you don't have to worry about overwriting stuff.
Also it works for BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE.
*edit link below I released it
I'd like to help you get going where you can convert these to weidu like I have so that they can be added and removed easily.
I plan on uploading a shell mod that you can learn to do this yourself shortly. If you are already familiar with the sound file names and such it won't be much of a stretch to use this.
I can also help get you started by say creating a mod with a couple of your soundsets already but it would probably be best for you to learn to add them yourself - it's not so hard once you have the hang of it and then you can run wild without having to overwrite dialogue.tlk or the 2da files.
Your mod sounds pretty awesome, and work like yours was the main reason why I learned how to add custom soundsets and subtitles. If I saw your mod a month or two ago, I never would have started my thread. I never would have bothered to learn some things though, so I guess it was all for the best.
Personally, I don't mind if you want to use some of the soundsets I uploaded in your mod. I will say, though, that for many of the ones I uploaded, I simply took wav files others created or ripped from games and configured them for Icewind Dale EE. So whenever you credit the sources in your documentation, I'd probably give those particular modders recognition as well. To date the only wav files I've assembled myself are the Dak'kon files, but you said you already have PST NPC soundsets, so you probably wouldn't use mine.
Anyway, congratulations on the release of your mod and the shell tool, which sounds really useful! I haven't tried out either of them yet, but I'm going to try to get around to them soon, especially the shell tool. To be honest, having strings in the CHARSND.2da being overwritten by other mods has been a worry of mine for a while now. So I'm going to test out some things pretty soon; it would be nice to have a method to release soundsets and subtitles with the full knowledge that I won't break anything others have made.
Oh, and I'm going to continue to release soundsets I make on my thread, in case you want to occasionally check back and see anything new you want to add to your collection. Granted, a lot of what I'm going to release soon are soundsets of characters you've probably already made, but who knows...maybe I'll make something you or others haven't seen before.
I've seen you are another person who really likes soundsets and having more soundset choices like me.
I think once you see the simplicity of my method you may want to use it. I've spent a lot of time on the shell (fyi I'm about to release a slightly updated version soon). The goal is to be able to add custom soundsets easily and only have to with work on the important things - gathering the sound files and making sure that you like where the soundfiles play for which game situation. I've worked on the technical aspects so you don't have to cut and paste line by line into dtclep or nearinfinity or something. Besides if you have a custom dialogue.tlk you can't use other mods or their strings will get messed up.
I understand if you want to keep doing things the way you are doing them but if you want to work together and dig into it and have any questions you can PM me or post in my threads. Sorry about the hand!
If you don't want to use it I would like to do it instead when I have time for some of the soundsets.
Do you have a text file with transcriptions of your soundsets? It would be way easier than opening up nearinfinity to check the string references from your dialogue.tlks.
I can't say for sure if everything would be fine if someone downloaded my dialog and CHARSND files on top of the mods they already have installed, though. So far no one has complained, but I honestly don't know how many people have downloaded and used them. This is where it sounds like your shell system would come in handy. That's why I'm going to try it out when I have some free time.
The main point with this thread was to share the information about the naming convention of sound files for IWDEE, so people would know how to quickly label a wav file and use it for the appropriate character state. I'm sure you know that a lot of the soundsets that have been out for the Infinity Engine games for years have a lot more than the 25 sound files you need for IWDEE. I didn't see anywhere on the IWDEE forums about how to set them up for this particular game, so I started this thread. This was supposed to be more of a tutorial thread than a place to pick up modded content.
Then I found it fun to create IWDEE specific soundsets, so I thought I'd share them with anyone who wandered in. I never intended to make a mod out of anything. I just thought it would be cool if someone wanted to make their own soundset and didn't know what to do, they could see this thread and get some help; maybe even upload what they made so others could enjoy.
That's why the subtitles I wrote, while pretty good in my opinion, are completely optional. I've tried out custom soundsets for these games ever since I started playing them about 12 or so years ago, but I always found it frustrating that they never came with dialog like the default soundsets do. So when I finally bothered to find out how to add them, I just added them. They aren't necessary, but the whole element feels like it's missing something without them.
I just always think it's cool to have more content available for a game you own. That's why I think your soundset mod is a great thing! So I will try out the shell system, and if I have any questions or comments about it, I'll make sure to go to your thread and ask.
Unfortunately I don't have any written transcripts of the soundsets I've already released. If you want to read the subtitles I've written down outside of the game, you'll probably have to open up my CHARSND.2da in something like DLTCEP and check out the Tables 2da chart. Maybe if I continue uploading the soundsets the way I've been doing, I'll add transcripts of the dialog inside the rar files.
I've had a lot of looks at the technical side of things like the differences between BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE soundsets. It's pretty darn messy lol there's 32 sounds w/ subs possible in IWDEE, 25 possible in BGEE (while shipping voicesets only use 15 slots), and 29 in BG2EE. If you copy over some sounds they may play but the subs won't show up. The whole things really kind of a mess, but you've probably already seen that.
Anyway, for your mod if you load your custom dialog tlk first then run weidu it will add things to the end of what you have but I would think if you install weidu first then overwrite with your dialog.tlk your mods will be missing strings because the container that the string were in was overwritten - the dialogue.tlk. That may not be a huge deal depending on the mod not all of them are very text heavy.
I've been working on IWD2 soundsets to BGEE/2/IWDEE there are 42 soundsets and I've got them basically set up, hope to polish / test/ and release soon on top of the 15 BG1 NPCs I've got transcribed, 7 PST NPCs and 5 extras so I've been really busy lol. With all of them you are able to add and remove one or more whenever you'd like it's a good system.
And you're right about how much of a mess it all is. I love these Enhanced Editions but it seems like Beamdog could have used better systems to keep track of some things. I'm sure the task of getting all these old design elements to work on modern systems while adding new parts was monumental, but take what we're dealing with for example. Just having every game have a set amount of vocal character states would have been a big help to me, and I'm sure it would've been helpful for you as well. Probably low on the things they had to worry about, but still...
I have a excel document that kinda charts the differences in the the mod shells' Docs\IWD vs BGEE vs BG2EE comparison folder.
This isn't beamdogs fault, this is the mess they were handed prior to enhancing the game. They actually extended the BG and IWDEE soundsets to be able to play more sounds - so it's good for you and me who mod - they just shipped the game with the default soundsets that don't have the extra sounds.
If have BGEE it's really apparent if you view the charsnd.2da file (attached) you see all the -1s at the bottom? Those are additional slot capabilities for sounds that they added, the sounds are just disabled on the shipping default soundsets but you can add sounds for those things with mods. They are for things like Critical Hit and other things.
Same thing with IWDEE, the game ships with the default soundsets no critical hit sound effect ("Got em good!" or whatever) but the capability is there to add those sounds with subs to the game.
The one I'd really like to have working before I even play the game is the male bard voiceset from Icewind Dale 2.
I got you covered: