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IWD:EE - Loose ends (spoilers, to varying degrees)

I absolutely love IWD:EE, and like the polish that's been given to it, but there are a couple of, I guess you'd call them "loose ends", that remain from the original that I wish had been cleaned up.

1) Mother Egenia. Why does she stay in Dragon's Eye? Story wise, it makes sense for her to stay there while you still have townspeople to rescue. Gameplay wise, it makes sense to have her stay until you complete the dungeon (healing and a safe place to rest). But by the time you finish Dragon's eye, you've killed Yxunomei and swept through every cavern like a force of nature, leaving nothing living or undead standing in your wake. When you're finished, she and your party are literally the last living things in the caverns. So....why does she stay? I feel like you should be able to talk to her after completing everything, convince her that the townspeople are safe (from anything in there, anyway) and that she can go back to the temple. You could even have her go elsewhere, to another Illmaterian temple offscreen or whatever, but I'd just like some acknowledgement that she's been found and rescued, instead of Sister Calliana talking about her being kidnapped until the end of the game.

2) Nym. I can accept that he pulls a Karma Houdini and escapes punishment, Drow are b*stards and it's what they do. I like that the Voice of Durdel Anatha quest lets you get some closure from this. But I don't understand why there's not a dialogue option to let Larrel know what happened. You play a huge role in restoring his sanity, helping free his people, and even giving him closure over his daughter after you find her diary in the tombs of Dorn's Deep. He seems to partially acknowledge that diplomacy with the dwarves could have gone better, but again, after you learn the truth, a dialogue option with Larrel that amounts to "Hey, it really *wasn't* the dwarves' fault, Drow broke into their storerooms, stole the artifacts, and sold them to the goblinoids for fun and profit." Yeah, "let sleeping dogs lie" and all, but the dude's a Baelnorn, he's not resting peacefully. I'm assuming that BESIDES helping the last of his people reach Arvendor, Labelas Enoreth is probably going to want his contrition for what happened, and letting Larrel know that everyone's favorite a**holes were responsible and not the dwarves would go a long way towards allowing him to say "Sweet baby Labelas, I done f*cked up, I'm sorry."

3) The rest are more minor, but it just feels like there are several hanging threads. I don't even need XP or items or something, I'd just like acknowledgement from whoever gave the quest or pointed me in the right direction that, yes, that problem is now fixed, please stop worrying about it.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,748
    Actually, after you come back to the temple after saving Mother Egenia, Sister Calliana says thank you for helping.
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