House Rules for IWD:EE (IWDEE tweaks)

December 5, 2014
This tweak mod represents a compilation of various house rules and tweaks which are designed to change certain aspects of Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition.
Pomab & Conlan Sell Convenient Ammunition
Emmerich sells Quiver, Case & Bags of Plenty +1
Conlan Sells Magic Clubs
Barbed Club of Pain
Jiedra and Doluv Bonus Merchants
Orrick's Sells All His Items
No save for fire arrows
Characters gain set HLAs every 5 levels starting at Level 15 based on their class.
Purchase Magic Tomes to add or change kits of your characters in game.
See mod's readme for more details.
Previous Versions
V1.0 Initial release - November 28, 2014

Current Version
V1.1 - December 5, 2014
Revised Component numbering
Jiedra and Doluv Bonus Merchants
Orrick's Sells All His Items
No save for fire arrows
Revised Class High Level Abilities
Older Versions
V1.0 Initial Release - November 28, 2014

Post edited by smeagolheart on
So this way would work.
was wrong on this one
The idea is give the ability by script through dialog with the summoned creature. This allows a choice of ability, and the creature can check to see if the character had the spell (and so not offer it if it is a 1 time thing). The creature can cast a spell using opcode 171. Most of the ingredients for this are in atweaks scribe scroll tweak
I'm familiar with the invisible creature trick I used it in my Kit Tomes Mod.
ATweaks has something to replace the bhaalspawn powers, I guess that would be tied to chapters not levels and things like Refinements totally revise HLAs I'm just looking to give X power on level 15 and 25. Maybe there's a kitmod out there that gives a special ability on every X level or on level X or something?
Here is what it does:
You summon an invisible creature.
That creature talks to you.
It checks to see how much gold you have and what spells you have memorized (and possibly if you are indoors).
If you don't have enough gold to scribe even a 1st level spell, you don't have any relevant spells memorized, (or possibly if you are not indoors), then it will give you a 'sorry' message and destroy itself. (note the spell itself has eff's that remove and reapply the spl--this is not done via script).
It gives you options based on this information. For example, if you have enough gold for 1st level spells, it checks to see what (if any) first level spells you have memorized, then it gives you an option to scribe those spells.
When you scribe a scroll, it removes the relevant spell from memory, gives you the scroll, takes the gold, and destroys itself.
The idea is a variant on this. Basically something like this:
In the clab at the relevant levels, you have a summon spell. This is a 1 time spell that will remove itself via eff.
You summon an invisible creature.
The creature talks to you.
It checks whatever prerequisites you want to make it check for that are detectable by script for any given ability. Some abilities wouldn't need to do this if they have no prerequisites and you can select them an unlimited number of times.
The comment about ADD_SPELL is there so the creature can detect custom spells. It would only be able to detect spells that are located in spell.ids. ADD_SPELL will add a spell to spell.ids. ADD_SPELL would be necessary also (one way or another) for the creature to give you the spell. The easiest way to do this would be through custom spl's that give the relevant ability. Maybe there is a script action that would allow you to give an ability directly, however. Not sure.
Once all of the checks are made, the creature gives you your choice of ability.
Once the choice is made, the creature gives you the ability and then destroys itself.
You no longer have the ability that summons the creature that gives you the ability as the spell removes itself once cast.
The Enchanted weapon trick does not seem feasible. How does your (eg) 20th level selection 'know' that you have selected (I don't know) Death Blow so it can give you Super Death Blow as a selection?
If you wanted to abstract away from that, ignore prerequisites and just not care if (eg) the character can select the same ability more than once (like use any item?) then I suppose you can use that method. But if you're going to do it, it should be done right
That being said, I'm not trying to implement directly the HLAs, although I could easily see (well not so easily as it would take some additional coding) adding that method as an option to my mod.
I've asked @subtledoctor for assistance with what I had in mind and he said he could easily whip up the TP2 code, I will take it from there and add my little vision. If you'd like to further extend as an option the whole HLA thing that could be possible. To me, IWD is more low magic and HLAs would unbalance a bit too much. What I had in mind is spelled out in OP.. Maybe Cleric gets Mass Raise Dead as a special ability. You know everyone gets something cool but not super duper OP...
I missed it earlier, but I think @kensai is disagreeing about the hard code comment..
Thank you!
@smeagolheart and I are looking to enhanche some used bams. But you can all enjoy the mod right now.
It tried some of the HLAs like Dragon's Breath, Storm of Vengeance and Use any Item and they didn't seem to work as they do in TOB like they are not fully integrated which shouldn't be too surprising since they aren't advertised as a feature of IWDEE. I'm pretty happy how it turned out, still keeps them with a low footprint in the game but they are there if you need them..
I'm looking for making my Wizard Slayer/Thief viable again (via the Use any item HLA). Does this mod help with that?
I was thinking of using the use any item skill for bards since it seems to fit them more than thieves as jack of all trade types. But when I tested it, it didn't unlock things like you'd expect. You can add it and but the items don't seem to be coded to work with it, they still remained locked. I suspect there is a flag on each and every item that lets it be unlocked with UAI rather than the easier way of just flagging items that you DON'T want unlocked with UAI.
There is a PDF in the initial post that lists all the HLAs that each class gets.
I would have liked to add summon deva as well but this mod adds a power via a table, there is no way to check for alignment dynamically that I know of. I also tryed Dragon's Breath and Storm of Vengeance and they didn't seem fully implemented so they are not in the mod either.
And there is a clever way to check for alignment by varying the abilities assigned via clab using 177 use effect. You can have a single spl with nine 177s that each use a sperate eff for each alignment. The resource key in each can contain a 171 (give ability) that gives alignment appropriate abilities. This way you can vary special abilities by alignment, race, gender, class, kit all with a single spl in the clab (heh, with a large number of subsidiary spls effs etc; it multiplies quickly!)
Edit: I want to give you an example that I know works because I've done it.
I wanted to give clerics 3e like domain selection that varied by alignment. In the clab, I had a single spl with nine effs as I described. Each eff referenced a different 171 that granted a sperate ability (called "select first domain") that cast a one time spell using effect 214 (I believe) that allowed the character to select one of x alignment appropriate domains. I could have gone as deep as I wanted by using additional 177s to check for race, gender, or whatever else I thought would be good. You cannot, to my knowledge, check for specific spells or abilities without scripting, however
to add use any item I think then
after you identify it, (can createitem misc3p for glasses of identification), it will show as cannot use item.
So UAI isn't working, as I say either it's an engine thing or there's some flag missing from every item.
So you'd get HLAs at 15, 20, 25 and 30. 30 being the level cap so that might not be all that useful, so really it's mostly 3 instead of 2.
Here's what I have. Again, Summon Palentar / Deva not really feasible without some extra coding.
This look good?
It just requires that you create a new ability and assign that ability via clab. That ability will have exactly nine effects: nine 177s, each that applies to a separate alignment. Then you have nine eff files, all #171, each referred to (in the resource key) by one of the 177's above.
So, lets say that you want only LG priests to get Summon Deva (I forget the details--lets just say).
You create a spl file with a 177 for LG priests (and one for a priest of every other alignment, but anyway)
Param 1 is 8, (to reference align.ids) Param 2 is 11 (to reference LG alignment). In the resource key, you reference your 171 eff file.
Your 171 eff file will have in its resource key the summon deva spl file.
If you had just this one effect in your spell then Lawful Good priests (and ONLY LG priests) would get summon deva. And so, you just need to create 8 more. You would have to create nine even if multiple alignments get the same spell (though you can have the same ability granting eff in the resource key.)
Edit: I'm a liar. If you just want to assign abilities by good/neutral/evil you can use the mask values in align.ids and so you could have just three effects in your spl
You should completely uninstall the old version before installing this version.
Several things have changed:
- HLAs were revised and occur every 5 levels, see PDF in original post with details
- Added Bonus Merchants for IWD:EE very similarly to the BG2 collectors edition bonus merchants they have items from Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 in their inventory. They are cleverly named Doluv and Jiedra and are probably grandparents / related in some way to Joluv and Diedre.
- Added an option to load up Orrick's shop with all his items at the start of the game without having to wait for specific conditions that aren't working for some people.
- Added an option to remove the save from fire arrows since it doesn't make sense to me conceptually that acid arrows and ice arrows allow no save but fire arrows do.
The original post also has a readme PDF with complete information on the mod.
Like if you like it ;)Enjoy
about UAI, I've successfully implemented it on my bard with this EFFECT on EEkeeper:
TYPE: Item: Can Use Any Item [302]
FLAGS: Instant, Permanent