#10758 [ALL] Thieving penalties from items should always be applied
I made a previous thread here:
I'm confused about the armor penalty results I'm getting.
Unsure if it's a bug - but seems like it is.
anyone able to confirm?
I'm confused about the armor penalty results I'm getting.
Unsure if it's a bug - but seems like it is.
anyone able to confirm?
Post edited by Troodon80 on
Also repost here what steps you took to get this problem.
The base scores at level 1 are actually:
What's happening here is that penalties from items are not being applied past 0.
Racially, you get these bonuses:
20 Dexterity grants the following:
Applying the following penalties, where the base score is higher than 0 using the following modifiers:
Open Locks -5
Find Traps -5
Pick Pockets -20
Move Silently -10
Hide in Shadows -10
Applying those penalties to the sum of the stats:
Open Locks (20 + 25 + 15) - 5 = 55
Find Traps (20 + 10 + 15) - 5 = 40
Because these are already on 0, the item penalties are not being applied:
Pick Pockets (0 + 20 + 20) = 40
Move Silently (0 + 20 + 18) = 38
Hide in Shadows (0 + 20 +18) = 38
Detect Illusion 0
Set Traps (0 + 15 ) = 20
As you can see here, the second section actually has an increase; i.e. Pick Pockets goes from 35, has a penalty (not) applied of -5, and goes up to 40. That's an effectual increase of 10.
You will see the penalty more when you increase your level. I can replicate the issue very easily, but I'm not sure what the status on this is with regards to being intended or not.
Example 2 - the only strange thing there was Hide in Shadows being reduced by only 15% instead of 20%, but that would be consistent with explanation above, most likely OP has only 15 base score in that skill.
However, Example 1 still defies rules. All thieving skills are increased by appropriate number matching Dex increase. Pick Pocket and Open Locks are both at 100, before equipping Kaylessa's Armor +3, which almost certainly indicates both skills have some basic score. Hence the armour penalty should negate the additional Dex bonus, which doesn't happen.
@ShadeBlack would be nice if you provide us with race of your Thief/Fighter. Also inviting @CamDawg to have a second look.
@ShadeBlack, could you zip and attach a save game here?
For now, I have reported the aforementioned issue of the scores not being decreased past zero. Tagged as #10758. If it turns out there's another issue here, I'll get that one reported as well. :-)
First of all, I wanted to say thanks to everyone here and especially Troondon80 for the brilliant explanation.
I did some further looking into the stats involved and I think the problem is as exactly as you've said already...
my character's base stats are
str 18/00 dex 18 +1 (elf) con: 17 int: 12 wis: 12 cha: 8 tot: 87
the armor also has +1 so it does end up at 20 dex
difference from 19-20 is
OL: 5 FT: 5 PP: 5 MS: 3 HS: 3 DI: 0 ST: 5
that might not be clear enough...
What I expect:
What seems to happen:
MS : 0 -10 = -10 +15 +18 = 23
So I guess everything is correct except the MS / HS wherein the problem is already detailed by Troondon80.
I exported my fighter thief to a new save for testing if it is still required...
Here's the save file: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/fb67a745f9/000000011-Adamar-test.7z