Help with using cheats in Icewind dale EE

I have properly edited the baldurs file
I have found codes for items and things but none of them work
I have apparently got 1 code to work. CHEATERSDOPROSPER:EnableCheatKeys(),
that one enables me to do a few things one of them teleports selected units to cursor
this is an example of a code that does not work.
its supposed to give me 500 gold I tried many others that did not work either
I could also use a tip as to why there are parentasese "( )" and also brackets "[ ]" for some codes
I would normally figure putting X number of gold in ( ) but then why do they have brackets on some codes as well ?
A lot of the codes say to press Ctrl + tab but for me its Ctrl + M ?
I trying to use this one
so I can figure out how I want to build my character by maxing his level
so I put it in like this does not work then I do it again without brackets still does not work then I do it again without ( ) still does not work and then do it again without either nothing is getting it to work.
but it does not work
instead I get a text that says snow percentage rain chance
LOL its a weather forcast !
I have found codes for items and things but none of them work
I have apparently got 1 code to work. CHEATERSDOPROSPER:EnableCheatKeys(),
that one enables me to do a few things one of them teleports selected units to cursor
this is an example of a code that does not work.
its supposed to give me 500 gold I tried many others that did not work either
I could also use a tip as to why there are parentasese "( )" and also brackets "[ ]" for some codes
I would normally figure putting X number of gold in ( ) but then why do they have brackets on some codes as well ?
A lot of the codes say to press Ctrl + tab but for me its Ctrl + M ?
I trying to use this one
so I can figure out how I want to build my character by maxing his level
so I put it in like this does not work then I do it again without brackets still does not work then I do it again without ( ) still does not work and then do it again without either nothing is getting it to work.
but it does not work
instead I get a text that says snow percentage rain chance
LOL its a weather forcast !
does IIRC mean anything do I need it for using codes?
C: <--- that kind does not work for me
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("[Number]") <------ but that kind does
I thought C: was for Enhanced Edition
C:AddGold("5000") would give you 5k gold.
Make sure you edited your baldur.ini file to add the line from the insturctions from Cerevant