Longer Road working in BG2EE
I've managed to get Longer Road, the mod that allows Irenicus to join your party in ToB, working with BG2EE. Couldn't have been simpler. Download the mod from here: http://iegmc.shphockey.com/longerroad/LongerRoad_v1.5.1.zip and extract to your BG2EE directory.
Open setup-longerroad.tp2 in notepad.
Comment the "REQUIRE_FILE" lines near the top by adding "//" so that they read:
//REQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Dialog.bif~ @2
//REQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Scripts.bif~ @2
Now install! You'll know it's working if when you start a new game of ToB, Ellesime almost immediately appears to talk to you. Just to be safe, don't click the stone heads until she appears.
You have to have a combined INT+WIS of 24 and choose the right (slightly odd) dialogue options with Ellesime in order to get a necesseray tem. Note that Irenicus is hilariously OP. He's a level 30 mage with with an item that gives him +4 spells at every level, +1 INT and permanent haste. He also has innate immunity to petrify and charm and reduced casting time.
Please note that I have only playtested it up to the point when Irenicus joins. I'm actually playing through SoA right now so won't be testing further until I've got to ToB. I'm playing with SCS, Tweaks, Atweaks, BP Ascension, UB, Kelsey and Banter Mods. I installed Longer Road last. One of the mods I have prevented the Longer Road music from installing but no other problems that I can see so far.
Open setup-longerroad.tp2 in notepad.
Comment the "REQUIRE_FILE" lines near the top by adding "//" so that they read:
//REQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Dialog.bif~ @2
//REQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Scripts.bif~ @2
Now install! You'll know it's working if when you start a new game of ToB, Ellesime almost immediately appears to talk to you. Just to be safe, don't click the stone heads until she appears.
You have to have a combined INT+WIS of 24 and choose the right (slightly odd) dialogue options with Ellesime in order to get a necesseray tem. Note that Irenicus is hilariously OP. He's a level 30 mage with with an item that gives him +4 spells at every level, +1 INT and permanent haste. He also has innate immunity to petrify and charm and reduced casting time.
Please note that I have only playtested it up to the point when Irenicus joins. I'm actually playing through SoA right now so won't be testing further until I've got to ToB. I'm playing with SCS, Tweaks, Atweaks, BP Ascension, UB, Kelsey and Banter Mods. I installed Longer Road last. One of the mods I have prevented the Longer Road music from installing but no other problems that I can see so far.
Post edited by Rooksx on
Maybe all the fights against Charname have drained him of his power. Or being killed has had an adverse affect. Or he's taken a beating in Hell and coming back from there has depleted him. Or he simply wasn't a level 30 mage who can cast a huge number of spells per day, with an innate reduced casting time, to begin with.
I'm not interested in discussing this further because RP discussions go anywhere useful - there's no "right" answer. just opinions. The bottom line is that at the beginning of ToB, an NPC who is clearly overpowered can join your party. If you don't think that's a gameplay problem, fine.
Irenicus is certainly a bit overpowered but contrary to the popular opinion, his high level is actually a flaw - he can get only one more (31) and therefore his access to HLA is extremely limited. He can get one and while it will be certainly Improved Alacrity, he can't get anything beyond that. No Dragon's Breath, Comet or Summon Fallen Planetar.
That being said, he really doesn't need it since by the time you get him he will more often than not be a second arcane spellcaster in your party. On the other hand, he is a natural when it comes to casting the Wish spell.
Now, as far as the mask goes - why it grants him Haste is beyond me. It looks weird. I was always a fan of the Paws of the Cheetah because the movement increase looks so much more natural than after a simple Haste spell. Here he looks ridiculus.
4 extra spells per level is too much. I'd give him 2, like Edwin's Amulet. Also, I wouldn't change his innate spellcasting speed (though he was a bit slower than my Neera with RoV and Amulet of Power) - if anything, to preserve his image from the cutscenes, I would give him permanent aura cleansing but that's just wishful thinking since it would make him ridiculusly overpowered if he wore the Robe of Vecna. If he could be prevented from wearing it, though, it could be nice. He would be still powerful but couldn't launch some extreme combos other wizards with the robe can make (timestop, improved alacrity and twenty spells).
The plot of the mod in the beginning is quite engaging and very rich - his banters are philosphical in nature and it's fun to watch some of the other team members react to him. Also, it's fun to have the main antagonist from BG1 (Sarevok) and from BG2 (Irenicus) in the same team
With all that being said, I had to - unfortunately - uninstall the mod since it crashed my game once I met with Gromnir in Saradush. I don't know if this is an isolated issue or not, but after uninstalling him everything was ok. It's like he was supposed to say something there but for some reasons couldn't.
After installing the mod, download the attached RAR file and extract the gromnir.d file into your BG2 base directory. Then compile the file using weidu:
Command Prompt - weidu gromnir.d
Copy the gromnir.dlg file that results into the override directory. This should bypass Irenicus's lines and the fight will commence as normal.
I am actually the author of this mod. Was wondering if there is anybody around who is still interested in fixing LR for EE and or, modifying content. Would appreciate any input.
It'd also be nice if this mod, should it ever be updated, contained new interactions with the new EE NPCs. I see quite a lot potential there.
Hey there, can you please tell me how did you fix it? I'm facing the same problem and can't get it working.