Hi so are muli-class OP?

Or is this a glitch... I used the cheat and all three classes are allowed to get maxed to 30 fighter mage and cleric ? a dual class can't max out both classes......
So curious not sure if this is a glitch. Seems like if it is possible then we should all be multi classed characters as the others are obsolete.
So curious not sure if this is a glitch. Seems like if it is possible then we should all be multi classed characters as the others are obsolete.
For example with a full party, my Fighter/Mage protagonist never got to use lv9 Arcane spells even until the end of Throne of Bhaal. In contrast if he was a Dual-Class Fighter=>Mage, he should have got there around the end of Shadow of Amn.
I also noticed the multiclassed saving throws are even better OMG a lot better. Never mind the health gained from fighter and all the extra levels.
So I normally play a sorcerer to make the Big Bad Ass Kill all character LOL so I normally don't even use mages. But this multiclass seems even possibly more powerful than the sorcerer.
With the sorcerer by picking the right spells I could basically handle anything. Especially with the spell that cuplicates your character for the Same Level enabling you to use all those spells without wasting your main sorcerors spells.
So what I am thinking is muti class fighter mage priest might be better than a sorcerer.
But the sorcerer still has some things that multi cant get like a elf gets 90% immunity to sleep and charm spells I think. Half elf only gets 30% I think. Sorceror will still be able to cast MORE mage spells as well but the multiclass can cast all those preist spells PLUS mage spells PLUS fighter bonus in health.
However in relation to your question of "Are Multi-class so OP that all other characters are obsolete?" The answer is, no, not if you played the game without cheating.
"Is a max'd out 3-class Multi-class character stronger than max'd out dual-class or single class?" Of course, he has more than twice the xp.
The sorcerer's principle advantage in IWD is access to spells much earlier than the game provides, if it provides it at all. The game was simply not made with a sorcerer in mind and as a result they create an unbalance, imo.
So, in that case it is not clear who is stronger between /M and sorcerer. They both have their advantages, higher levels and overall utility vs. refined spell selection.
With the crazy xp gain and only 2 characters we have a decent chance of hitting the level cap.
Already on the last level of Dragons Eye they are a force to be reckoned with, not sure how we'll go with the big bad boss there though.
On the other hand I have another Heart of Fury run with 5 dual classes characters and a Skald. Absolutely powerful team that is now steam rolling the game (buffing is tedious though).
Bottom line is that missing out on Grandmastery and needing almost double or triple the xp to get high level spells is almost never worth it.
Hell BG2 SoA & ToB never got boring the story and gameplay SO MUCH FUN never got enough.