BG Sequel still in Discussion?

I have been off the forums for a while and didn't see anything on this in recent discussion. Is Beamdog still talking about making a sequel or successor game in the Baldur's Gate series or is that off the map at this point? Thanks for the feedback!
As for question, we don't know, actually.
In 2015, the Adventure Y will be announced, check near pages 13-14. The further information on this project is provided by the latest Beamdog AMA
It seems nothing can be certain in terms of future projects, whether it's BGNext or IWD3. But from tidbits here and there it can be seen they want to make a new game. here's the latest interview, check also From these sources it becomes clear that any new information will be available only in 2015.
Wait sorry, wrong thread
The only future project that I think they've discussed with the community to a degree is Adventure Y. They have said they are interested in BG3 and that they have looked around at game engines presumably for use in a future game (not necessarily bg3) but that is about it in terms of sequels and stuff.
If they have enough money and time, it may be possible but at the current patching pace, it would need 4-5 years.
I had expected that BD would get the rights and start making content -- instead they decided to port the engine to every possible operating system. Annnd that's why we are left with very little content. And patches that come every 9 months or so. Aerie was able to produce something in less time . . .
I'm rooting for a company that will:
1. Focus on content -- storytelling, adventures, magic items, monster and -- most of all -- well written NPCs
2. Keep the heroic feel of the original adventure. BG3 should feel like a Forgotten Realms adventure and not a call of Cthulu / Monte Cook game.
And, while I know the chances are about zero to next to zero --
3. Keep the EE infinity engine.