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How old were you the first time you played BG?



  • cutlasskiwicutlasskiwi Member Posts: 35
    12 years old and didn't really understand all that much but it never really left my mind. I found it a few years after that and played it again. Since than I've been replaying the games a few times every year. Good times :)
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Bg1 was the best random purchase I ever made, at the age of around 12sm I think... I had 50 or 60 pounds birthday/christmas money, and the game I wanted was wwf no mercy for the n64... I had 10 pounds left over and looked at the pc game shelf, randomly picked up bg1 in a white label box. I'm sure I remember bg2 being on the shelf as a new release as well.

    Anyway when I got home baldurs gate totally hooked me, and that was that.
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200
    Didn't vote. Let's just say that I was too young to understand what leveling up was, but old enough to spam myself a drizztdefends entourage that carried me and my dead (what is resurrection?) party members all the way to the final battle.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    I was looking my brother playing at the time on our old win95, 166mhz, 2go hard drive, 128bit ram. And then I create my big brute with 18/00, 18, 18, 6, 6, 8 (something like that). Good old time.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    I was 7 myself. I remember my brothers would play it, and I would sit and watch, and then one day I wanted to watch someone play (even though I probably didn't understand half of what was going on) but everybody was busy, so one of them suggested I play it myself, and he helped me set up a game. Needless to say I became addicted, and never wanted to "just watch" again.
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    I was 18, bought and played it the day the game came out in 1998. I followed the game at Black Isle's website for months before it was released.
  • ShadowHunterShadowHunter Member Posts: 143
    I was six, my grandpa was playing a game and I wanted to play it to but he told me Im not old enough for it so I wanted to prove him I WAS old enough for it , and that's when the best part of my life begun ;)
  • DragonserpentDragonserpent Member Posts: 15
    I grew up sitting on my parent's laps while they played the game and read all the dialogue to me. I grew up with Minsc and Jaheria and learned how to read from Imoen and Khalid in a way! I've been terribly excited for the re-release and have been counting down the days since they announced the release date!
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    Played it as a new release..I was 21...doesn't seem like that long ago but YIKES 14 years has gone by :-)
    BG series & IWD series still my all time top games. I've spent more time playing & replaying these games then all other games combned..they've really stood up to the test of time.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    I think I was 36 when it was released...I got it pretty much on day 1.
  • Silver6986Silver6986 Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2012
    I was around 13 in high school when a friend recommended the game (original BG) to me, what a recommendation! Best game I have ever played hands down. I remember being in a game store when BGII came out and I didn't even know there was a CE, but I saw it on the wall, biggest box in the store. I begged and pleaded with my Dad to buy me it!

    Still blows me out that I still have it too, there are only 4000 of those :)
  • greenmonstergreenmonster Member Posts: 10
    I was 29 and had just moved to a new city when it came out. Lucky I had friendly neighbors or I might not have met anyone there due to playing all the time.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I was five, hahaha I was SO bad at this game for so long! I didn't beat it until I was like 15.
  • JonelethJoneleth Member Posts: 1
    4. I still remember my useless characters that attacked Flaming Fists :3
  • KagainKagain Member Posts: 12
    Same as Jon :3

    Funny tries to kill Gorion, mindless slaughtering of villagers... Many of my chars ended around FAI. Game was completed only after few years after.
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    Best game from my childhood.

    Took away my naivety, too, all the brutal content in text was just too much for a 9 yr-old to handle at the time :(
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I was 21, but the 0 in 0-10 made me laugh. "I played in my mother's womb!"
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    I was 13.
    When my family bought our first computer there were two games for free in the box, one of them was bg2.
    I remember spending soooo many hours on that game, and when I received my own personal computer I played even at night to finish the game XD. Good memories
    And after that I bought another edition of bg2 with ToB, and after many years I finally found a bg1 copy

    Sigh, high school, I had so much more free time to spend on bg...
  • MedillenMedillen Member Posts: 632
    I was 9. I played by a friend at first (in english, didn't understand a thing, so awesome).
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    I picked it up in 2010, I still suck at it.
  • JRRJRR Member Posts: 21
    Wow. What a bunch of young whippersnappers. Get off my lawn!
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2012
    i think is was around 15, a friend gave me his copy of bg 2, cause he heard liked fallout. And its still the best game iv ever played. I gave up seaching for it's equal, only thing that ever came close was planescape.
    I still dont know why anyone has not been able to atleast make a game thats near those good old games in story and npc's. its like they ruined every game i ever played after that ; )
  • YovanethYovaneth Member Posts: 691

    I was around 13 in high school when a friend recommended the game (original BG) to me, what a recommendation! Best game I have ever played hands down. I remember being in a game store when BGII came out and I didn't even know there was a CE, but I saw it on the wall, biggest box in the store. I begged and pleaded with my Dad to buy me it!

    Still blows me out that I still have it too, there are only 4000 of those :)

    I've still got the tee-shirt!!! It was too small for me but I still wore it.

  • pablo200783pablo200783 Member Posts: 96
    I was 15 shortly after the release of BG great time, great game.
  • LeronisLeronis Member Posts: 112
    Funny stuff there, "candlekeep cottage". How do you get back in?

    Wish my wife would game. I game with her kids, my kids, girls too, while she occasionally acts like she's Redditor's wife.

  • TermyTermy Member Posts: 3
    I was around 15 and played the game the same year it was released. I haven't actually played Baldur's Gate since then (only bg2 several times), but some scenes I can remember as vividly as yesterday.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    I was 16, and Baldur's Gate was my introduction to RPGs. I could not have asked for a better first game for what has become my favorite video game genre.
  • FinellachFinellach Member Posts: 36
    17 or 18. I saw a younger bro of my best friend playing it and that is how it all started. Before that I played mostly sport arcades and crap like that. This game was a huge eye opener and I will always be thankful for that. There was no going back after I played it. :)
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