Quayle Calls for Aerie Bug

If Aerie is removed from the party just before a messenger informs the party that Quayle wants to speak to her (to start the Haer'Dalis quest line) then when Aerie rejoins the party and the messenger gives the quest to speak to Quayle outside the circus tent, Aerie will not initiate the scripted dialogue with Quayle when the party re-enters the tent.
1. Aerie dumped quickly enough for the messenger not to deliver his message.
>> Messenger stands idle. Recruiting Aerie then talking to the messenger sees the plot progress.
2. Aerie dumped quickly enough for the messenger to only deliver 1 line and not the request.
>> Messenger stands idle. Recruiting Aerie then talking to the messenger sees a line about turnips and the quest is never given.
3. Aerie not dumped quickly enough.
>> Quest is given normally.
I'm not sure any of these reflect what you are seeing.