OH MY. That's a stat roll o_o

So I installed like a bunch of new soundsets so I'm making a random character to go listen to them. I make a female gnome illusionist/thief that I don't actually plan on playing, just to use to test the soundsets. Upon hitting ability scores I see a natural roll of 96.
That's the highest I've ever gotten ever. I'm not even planning on using this character.
That's the highest I've ever gotten ever. I'm not even planning on using this character.
Just wondering, who can I romance as a female gnome?
As for romances, I believe your options are Rasaad, Dorn, and Hexxat. Anomen isn't into gnomes.
It's the same character; Lulu from League of Legends but I like her character design and it fits a gnome.
Don't know why I said that, something about the portrait brought out the random in me.
I never lower wisdom below 9, 8 for penalized races.
Fun times XD
I would use Alora's since she has pink hair but I plan on having her in my party. This will be my first playthrough with the NPC mod and so I plan on getting Alora as early as I can. I imagine Piro and Alora would be the best of friends considering they have the same personality type/low wisdom lol.
So far I don't really have a plan for an endgame party as Piro would just be friends with who she likes the best which so far is just Imoen (hasn't really met Alora yet).
She's getting tired of ol' Monty being a douche but finds Xzar to be hilarious.
. . .
In hind sight I should have done one of those playthrough runs where I document everything and post it.
I suppose it's not too late as I'm only at the Friendly Arm Inn. Mmmm. . . anyone have advice on a format to document such an adventure?
Anyway, have some deviantart links. None of them strike me as perfect, unfortunately.
One of Pixie, definitely in-uniform and not especially gnomish. Also somewhat anime, but that turns out to be hard to get away from. She has a sword, at least, so that's... something.
Weird surreal one. This one is probably the closest to BG in style, but it's... weird. Moreover, the expression is probably more serious than you want.
Probably too "thick-line" to be of much use, but it just oozes "mischievous gnome thief."
Chipper, friendly, probably still too anime.
Another good mischievous thief, but still probably too anime. Also the background could be a pain to turn into something that'd look good in a portrait.
Far and above my favorite of the lot. She's just so cool. Still pretty anime, though, especially in the size of the eyes. But so cool.
If you don't like any of these (and I wouldn't blame you, I'm not that satisfied with them myself), I can keep looking. Can't say I fancy my odds as much as I did yesterday, though.
You can play with your own avatar, @Vallmyr (a 24-bit BMP image with the 169x266 resolution is below):
Definitely saving all of these!
Edit: Also update on the playthrough. /speaking in character
I kicked Monty and Xzar out after hearing them endlessly complain about me being "Too good" or something. How can anyone be too good? I'm the best after all! Found a Wild Mage named Neera who's definitely the best mage ever. Except for me of course. And Imoen. Third best mage.
Also, while I'm sure Jaheira and Khalid mean well they keep rushing things instead of just simply enjoying each day!
/out of character
So far no one has died yet. Decided I'd do a minimal-reload (I think that's what it's called) run as well because hell, if I'm running a godlike character why not XD
Edit: JUST HAD A WONDERFUL IDEA. I might use http://lorien077.deviantart.com/art/Sparklegem-Speedpaint-478159704 for the newbie that left candlekeep.
Then use http://blacknyappy.deviantart.com/art/Ready-to-go-382399048 in BGII when she's 'wisened up' some and realizes the world isn't such a happy place. So tragic