#11139 Poison weapon duration should match the description duration
"POISON WEAPON: Each successful hit within the next round will inject poison into the target, dealing an extra 2 points of damage per second with no Saving Throw (for a total of 12 points of damage). Moreover, if the target fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, he will suffer 1 additional point of damage per round for 4 rounds."
The description clearly states it's supposed to last only one round, while the actual duration is 5 rounds. This is probably a discrepancy that has existed since old BG2. So either the duration or the description should change. This was tested with the Assassin ability but I'm guessing the same goes for the Blackguard one.
The description clearly states it's supposed to last only one round, while the actual duration is 5 rounds. This is probably a discrepancy that has existed since old BG2. So either the duration or the description should change. This was tested with the Assassin ability but I'm guessing the same goes for the Blackguard one.
Post edited by Gate70 on
To any dev String ref # is 100364.
"Moreover, if the target fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, he will suffer 1 additional point of damage per round for 4 rounds."
Instead of 1 additional damage per round, the spell currently does 1 additional damage per second for 4 rounds when the target fails the saving throw (for a total of 24 additional damage).
Please be aware that this discrepancy involves the ability description, the Assassin kit description, and the Blackguard kit description, in both BG2:EE and BG:EE, respectively. Complete list of String Refs:
- 24301
- 25369
- 28606
- 32236
- 25213
- 77514
- 100364