Spell Trigger and Clerical Spells

If you have Mage/Cleric character.
Can you add Clerical Spells into your Spell Trigger or Spell Sequencer?
Can you add Clerical Spells into your Spell Trigger or Spell Sequencer?
Armor of Faith also works well in Minor Sequencers, if you're stacking resistances. Chant is also quite nice, and Aid.
For Spell Sequencers, Animate Dead, Holy Smite, Dispel Magic, and Holy Power have their place.
Contingencies are usually better used with Stoneskin or Teleport Field, but Remove Paralysis is an excellent option as well.
Spell Triggers are often better used for Sunfire. Righteous Magic, PFMW, and Improved Haste also work very nicely depending on the character build (it's almost absurd in spider form).
If your cleric/mage has Chain Contingency, you're already at 6 million XP, so whatever.
When you trigger the sequencer at a party member, do you need to be at a "touch" distance to your subject?
Which spell do you follow? Range, or touch?
So in Spell Trigger case, your character won't do that, but just let the spell fail???
Aerie is a strong character, so i asked myself : why shouldn't i try to make her more useful in melee fight? I have Aerie and Nalia as mages, someone have to protect poor weak Nalia.
So i gave to Aerie girdle of frost giant strength, strength set to 21.
And in triggers / chain contigency i'm going to give her :
1- Holy Power ( penality of strength , lowered to 18. But THACO of a fighter of her level + 1 hp / level of Aerie)
2- DUHM (boost in costitution and dexterity)
3- Righteous Magic ( add 1 hp / level of Aerie + max damage for each hit).
Add to this spell trigger a chain contingency : if caster see enemy --> Protection from magic weapons, chant and bless.
Result : for a short time Aerie becomes almost a good fighter. So she can protect Nalia while she ran away.
After That, a few pills of sweet revenge ( Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting) made by Nalia after she run away against the mob surrounding poor sweet Aerie.
What can i say, i like doing experiments