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I thought I was clever, but I think I went and broke something

Hi all!

I'm on my first-ever playthrough of BG1 and I suspect I may have done something to trigger a bug. Anyone else ever see this?

I've just cleared the Nashkell Mines. Instead of walking out the "back door" I left the way I came, swapping Xan back and forth w/Garrick all the way. (I had a full party and I heard Xan is a use-him-or-lose-him deal, so... anyway)

When I got back to Nashkell I went over to Jospeh's wife's house and found myself unable to give her his greenstone ring. It's in my inventory well enough, but every time I talk to her she asks me for news about him and the only option I get is to tell her sorry, we found nothing.

Am I doing something stupid? Help.


  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Given that Joseph's greenstone ring is not tied into the plot line per se (i.e, you can sell it for cash instead of returning it for XP) but the fact that you are unable to return it, implies to me that you might have missed, or failed to trigger something, down in the mines.

    Did you get the reward OK?
    Did anything of note happen when you returned to Nashkell?

    In other words are you sure you've fully completed the quest?

    The first time through it is important to look everywhere, read everything and do everything. In my personal opinion relying on walkthroughs and things like the quick-loot function can lead to tunnel vision which means that you can miss something seemingly trivial but actually important.

    I'm sure someone here with more knowledge than me can give you a far better answer, but in the meantime just think about any way you might have missed something.
  • Death_mtlDeath_mtl Member Posts: 18
    did the video play after you defeated Davearon?
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    @Death_mtl - Wrong place there, friend.
  • Death_mtlDeath_mtl Member Posts: 18
    wrong boss ;)
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    Is your charname evil? Maybe he just doesn't want to return the ring.
    Seriously if the ring is called Joseph's Greenstone Ring like @kcwise said it must be a bug. I don't think it matters which way you leave the mines anyway. You should be able to return to ring before the mines are cleaned.
  • MerinaMerina Member Posts: 303
    Wilbur said:

    I don't think it matters which way you leave the mines anyway.

    It doesn't matter. Though, there is no reason to return to the entrance. The back exit is just fine, and if you're afraid of entering unknown territory, from a role-playing perspective, there is no difference compared with taking the front door. You cannot guarantee that you won't be ambushed when taking either way...

    ... and the ambush near the back exit can be avoided easily.

  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    I never take the back exit, and Joseph's ring quest normally plays out fine.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    I think that you cannot give her the ring if you never talked about her husband prior to exploring the mine.
  • domeplsffsdomeplsffs Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2015
    Nah, even when not talking to her beforehand, she will be triggering the dialog whenever you first talk to her, and ask you to bring her the ring, no matter how long beforehand you cleared the mines (my first char in '98 ran around with the ring untill almost chapter 4 because i couldn't find her >< )

    Edit: also, as others have said, i'm rather sure that it has nothing to do with which way you go back, since i didn't know of the back-entrance as well xD - till today most my chars still are to afraid to search the whole mine area to find it)
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    My question is how long did it take you to juggle two characters out of the mine?

    Like that takes some serious gumption.

    And now I am wondering if it is possible to juggle ALL the NPCs through out the game.

    Now to your question...

    Who has the ring? If its in the character's inventory that isn't in your party from juggling the quest won't complete since you technically dont have the ring.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    I don't have a save at that point to check it out, but it's possible the initial dialog with her can be messed up if you don't choose the right option. Something along the lines of demanding money and getting a reputation hit rather than asking about the mines. After that she just mentions her lost husband but doesn't give you the quest. Again, I'm not 100% positive that's true, but I have a vague recollection that it is.
  • NoonNoon Member Posts: 203
    I checked the conversation options in NearInfinity, and you need to agree to look for Joseph before returning the ring. But i think you should be able to accept the quest at any time.
    ("HelpNashkellWoman","GLOBAL",x) is what define the quest status, if you know how to use the console and want to really get what is going on.
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