I tried it once to see what all the cheat codes did, like the cow dropping spell and the chicken summoning spell. But after a rampage with the "kill anything" sword (Cheat code, KillSw01), and watching people and monsters explode into chunks/gibs, it wasn't that fun anymore and I gave it up.
I tried it once to see what all the cheat codes did, like the cow dropping spell and the chicken summoning spell. But after a rampage with the "kill anything" sword (Cheat code, KillSw01), and watching people and monsters explode into chunks/gibs, it wasn't that fun anymore and I gave it up.
Yea I understand. It is sort of like creating a character in TOB and then exporting/importing him/her to Soa. You are overpowered and it isn't fun anymore.
I selected "yes." First I go through the games without the cheats. I don't even add the cheats=1 to Baldur.ini until I've beaten the game without cheats. Everyone should do it that way. But there are some times when I just play Baldur's Gate to kill time and have a little fun (I installed the BGTrilogy Mod or whatever it's called; actually, I begged my brother to do it for me... Yeah, I know, but it's better than letting me anywhere near computer settings). I also like playing with some of the overpowered mods just because. So yeah, I didn't like the question phrasing. The cheats aren't to make the game easier. They're to make some of it more fun when you're in a "screw it all!!" mood. Keeping the debug (cheat) mode a possibility doesn't take away from the players that don't use it and it's cool for the age-old players who liked summoning Gorion in Baldur's Gate II to watch what happens. Yeah, I'm an arrogant prick for writing so much. I know, I know.
Sometime I give 6-8 stats points bonus to my char when my vision is blurred after too many rolls. But this is mostly to change my skin (mage/thief to thief skin for example). But I cannot answer to this survey, its too specific.
I used to cheat a lot in the original BG due to lack of d&d knowledge and poor english. Now with the multiplayer in BGEE coming up I will do good to make a habit of not resorting to cheat codes when things go bad in the game. From a hardcore player's perspective, the reload button is already enough cheating.
I personally liked having the ability to use cheats to just have fun when I wasn't playing seriously. I also found cheats like hans and explorearea useful to save time on occasion. I hope they leave them in.
First couple of play troughs I never cheat but after that it is fun to fool around a bit and try things out. Something that I tend to do often is create boots of speed for the whole party to make running around allot less time consuming.
At some point, especially with many mods installed, you'll find out its impossible to proceed in some quests without spawning some missing npc or items...
The first is using Ctrl-8 and modifying my stats as I see fit for the character.
The second is spending 10-12 hours looking for that perfect roll.
As fun as rolling stats is, I think for the most part I'll just be cheating it. And then I'll promptly go disable them until the next character creation.
I used 1 cheat, 1 time only eons ago during probably my 5th run through bg2 since i never found it for bg1. The debug mode trick to max all stats to 18. I was curious about running through bg2 once being a super-paladin. Made the game so easy it was laughable so i never used it again.
'Magic is impressive, but now, Minsc leads! Swords for everyone'
I'm not much for strategy and I think it just detracts from story goodness too much. Besides, I like an over-powered protagonist, like Goku from Dragon Ball. Your friends can do well, but when you show up, it's game over for bad guys.
I only use it for changing my characters appearance! Or sometimes making my multiclass half-elf to a human.. Like the roleplaying of being a human more
I use for convenience: ExploreArea to cleanup the fog of war when I'm done with a zone, or CreateItem some extra (normal) arrows when I run out... I don't use it to kill monsters as that would defeat the whole purpose of the game.
So I could not vote.
Ah... that is still cheating.... Even taking advantage of a game bug can be looked at as cheating (and its the developers fault) So that "convenience" is cheating have no doubt. Its your game though.
I have been a hardcore gamer for over 25 years and I have cheated in other games but not in BG.
When I started to use cheats (before BG was released) I reached to the conclusion that cheats are kind of addictive and just break the real gameplay, this is my opinion and understand people may not share this.
I will give an example of what I mean. It is very easy to say well I will just kill this monster for this time with a cheat. And when you come across another enemy you cannot defeat, you think well I will cheat with this one out also,... and in the end I just feel original gameplay is broken.
Although I do not like to die in a battle I have no problem reloading and thinking over new strategies to approach the enemy (This is a great part of BG for Me (strategy not dying)). If the battle is just to tough for my party I will move on to another area until I have levelled up and I will return to have the bad guys asses kicked.
I'd like to say I wont cheat but to be honest if I complete the game once anything might happen on the next play through, I might even just install a cheat mod!
I had no idea so many people thought they were "entitled" to get the best rolls, never run out of supplies, explore the whole map without any risks. It should speed up the game which is good for those with no time to play (or skill...or luck) but in the end its those who use cheats that feel cheated IMHO.
I often cheat in BG1 (though I'm hoping to give BG:EE a proper playthrough). Mostly just to speed the game progression up. Adventuring can at times be quite slow and tedious on some quests. Plus I'm not that great at Baldur's Gate and I much prefer the story to fighting Dread Wolves while traveling a map to where I want to go (Ctrl-Y becomes all too reasonable when I'm bored lol). To me the focus is more on story and less about the minutiae of managing battles.
However I don't cheat at BG2 half as much as I do BG1. Though that probably says something about the differences in difficulty between them. I feel like not only do I have more of an arsenal to use in fights, but also that there are generally more interesting fights to be had throughout the game.
I still sometimes cheat at BG2, but it's more often just pissing about having fun like changing my monk's default paperdoll to the type of monks found at Candlekeep.
Honestly, there's obviously nothing wrong with playing adamantly without cheats, but some people here are sounding a bit obnoxious. If you're not playing multiplayer or comparing achievements with anyone (i.e. playing just for yourself), there's nothing immoral about cheating a video game, because you're not in any way hurting or deceiving anyone. Also, if you said, "NO! I EXPLORE this world by myself" and then you talked about how convenient CLUAConsole:EXPLOREArea() is, I think you may have missed something (I'm not talking to anyone in particular, and I use ExploreArea too, but this is rather contradictory).
I have played BG2 through several dozen times (not being hyperbolic), and honestly, I don't think anyone has an improved game experience from wasting time killing the same 5 kobolds in the sewers. No one would rather spend 40 seconds walking over the same area they've walked 100 times before when they could ctrl+J to the other side of the town, finish whatever errand and get on with the game. If I'm replaying to explore a different story arc or plotline or romance or whatever, there's no reason whatsoever to play through several minor fights that weren't much of a challenge the first time around.
People play the way that they enjoy, and if you enjoy the game more without cheats, then good for you! But please don't judge others (most of whom have played and won the game without cheats) for enjoying the game differently.
Actually , i feel playthrough by self is more fun , but after gettig work , all of us really don't have much time~
Although playing the game with the skin of a dragon IS fun !
Something that I tend to do often is create boots of speed for the whole party to make running around allot less time consuming.
PS. cheats like crtl+y makes no sense to me.
The first is using Ctrl-8 and modifying my stats as I see fit for the character.
The second is spending 10-12 hours looking for that perfect roll.
As fun as rolling stats is, I think for the most part I'll just be cheating it. And then I'll promptly go disable them until the next character creation.
I'm not much for strategy and I think it just detracts from story goodness too much. Besides, I like an over-powered protagonist, like Goku from Dragon Ball. Your friends can do well, but when you show up, it's game over for bad guys.
When I started to use cheats (before BG was released) I reached to the conclusion that cheats are kind of addictive and just break the real gameplay, this is my opinion and understand people may not share this.
I will give an example of what I mean. It is very easy to say well I will just kill this monster for this time with a cheat. And when you come across another enemy you cannot defeat, you think well I will cheat with this one out also,... and in the end I just feel original gameplay is broken.
Although I do not like to die in a battle I have no problem reloading and thinking over new strategies to approach the enemy (This is a great part of BG for Me (strategy not dying)). If the battle is just to tough for my party I will move on to another area until I have levelled up and I will return to have the bad guys asses kicked.
"We will return when we have bigger swords" ~Minsc
However I don't cheat at BG2 half as much as I do BG1. Though that probably says something about the differences in difficulty between them. I feel like not only do I have more of an arsenal to use in fights, but also that there are generally more interesting fights to be had throughout the game.
I still sometimes cheat at BG2, but it's more often just pissing about having fun like changing my monk's default paperdoll to the type of monks found at Candlekeep.
I have played BG2 through several dozen times (not being hyperbolic), and honestly, I don't think anyone has an improved game experience from wasting time killing the same 5 kobolds in the sewers. No one would rather spend 40 seconds walking over the same area they've walked 100 times before when they could ctrl+J to the other side of the town, finish whatever errand and get on with the game. If I'm replaying to explore a different story arc or plotline or romance or whatever, there's no reason whatsoever to play through several minor fights that weren't much of a challenge the first time around.
People play the way that they enjoy, and if you enjoy the game more without cheats, then good for you! But please don't judge others (most of whom have played and won the game without cheats) for enjoying the game differently.