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Anomen Romance Question

I'm in an active romance with Anomen. However, I had to let him go for about 1 hr. game time (about 10 minutes real time). Then I went back to pick him up, and headed to the graveyard district to meet Bodhi (Chapter 6). From there she is supposed to take away your love interest, but she didn't. My question: Did letting Anomen go ruin the romance, or is it still active?
I do not want to download the CLUAconsole. Is there a way to check without it, or does anyone know the answer off the top of their head? I want the romance to keep going, but I have no saves back that far so I can't replay anything. :( Is it just a glitch that she didn't do what she was supposed to?
Thanks for the help in advance!


  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    I just completed that romance for the first time a couple of months ago and I can't remember if Bodhi took him! I think she did, but I can't be sure.

    FYI, the console does not need to be downloaded. All you need to do is to add one line to your baldur.ini file ('Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',).

    That would really be the easiest way to check for certain and is very helpful for future difficulties. (+ you get to use ctrl-j, the best thing ever :smiley: )

    BTW, if you do add that line (in BG2EE), type:

    If it's "2" you're good to go. If it is 3, it's over.

    If you do not want to activate the console, I'm sure someone will be along that knows the answer to your question. I wish I could remember with certainty my own experience.
  • Viconia9Viconia9 Member Posts: 34
    Good to know! Actually I have the original version of the game not the EE. I typed it into the baldur.ini file but I don't know how to access the console from the game. What keys should I hit? (Yeah, I'm bad at this stuff)
  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    edited January 2015
    [ctrl + space bar] will open the console in the game.

    The original game has a different syntax. This is the original:
  • Viconia9Viconia9 Member Posts: 34
    Hmm...I can't open the console in the game. Aww well... I'll try again some other time. Thanks for the help, though!
    I guess I'll wait until Throne of Bhaal to find out if it's active.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    I think that dropping a party member for any reason or any amount of time loses the romance. I dropped Jaheira once during a romance and she said something about things never being the same between us if I recruit her again before she left.
  • Viconia9Viconia9 Member Posts: 34
    I got it! I used ShadowKeeper and was able to reset the romance variable to 2. I'm in Throne of Bhaal and everything is ok now.
  • Viconia9Viconia9 Member Posts: 34
    Thanks for all the help, guys!
    Happy Gaming!
  • Viconia9Viconia9 Member Posts: 34
    Lol! I'll make my signature be a Jaheira quote!

    "Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?" -Jaheira

    What do you think?! Lol!
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