Do you consider creating boots of speed for every character cheating?

I like to do that because you lose less time walking. I completed BG1 without any cheat once but now the slow moving speed kind of bore. I started a game and didn't use the boots and i was able to outrun enemy anyway. So i don't really think that the boots of speed make the game easier and therefore its not really cheating. The question is in my opinion even less important for BG2 since you can caste haste a lot.
in bg2 there's much less walking too, there are few open areas on which you want to uncover fog of war.
And I in fact like having one or more faster characters. Makes sure that my mage isn't the first to bump in a pack of 5 bow wielding skeletons (just, fuck those skeletons, fuck their 2 apr, fuck their crazy powerful weapons).
When I'm really impatient, I just ctrl+j my party (like when doing maevar's quest (bloody thief stealing my time)) across zones that I know are safe.
I still encourage you to do it, if it's more fun to you this way, but before you start complaining about the game being to easy, you maybe should take the boots off again.
And they do make game a lot easier. Think of approaching archers more quickly.
How many boots can you legally have in ToB? IS there a 6th legal pair I am missing somewhere?
in multiplayer games there is a sanction, you can be judged (and will be judged if discovered) as an asshole.
is singleplayer the only penalty might come from your conscience, but if your "ethos" is such that you put the overall experience above going by rules then you're free to go. but that doesn't mean that cheating hasn't happened, it's just that in your case this qualification isn't important. but whether it can be made is not a question of your belief, it's not a subjective thing, it's an "outside" thing, a designation that people have been used for decades; it's cultural - you might criticize it but it's pointless to deny it.
it's like saying that a crime hasn't happened when *in fact* it has - it's just that in your jurisdiction it isn't treated as a crime. for example marital rape might not be a crime in your state but it doesn't mean that when it takes place in most other states, a crime hasn't happened.
If you want to speed up things without making the game easier, I believe it's possible to increase the framerate by editing the configuration file.
It's as simple as changing a number in a text file and it'll speed up not only your characters, but everything in the game, thus not giving you any unfair advantage.
Edit: I was beaten to it by Ravenslight. He actually gives instructions on how to do that.'d be nice if there was an option to set everyone's movement speed to a certain high value when outside of combat via hotkey. with auto toggle-off when enemy visible.
I don't mod or dupe in speed boots because they aren't intended to be possessed and not having them increases my enjoyment of finding them later.
Am I lawful stupid?
SCS is an interesting example. Technically it's cheating as it's changing the rules to suit your taste and some aspects of SCS do increase the power of your character.
There is no sanction against cheating in a single player game except your own conscious and the judgement of everyone on the forum (haw haw haw). Just don't ever advertise an achievement when you've "cheated" to make the game easier.
I don't really worry about whether or not it is cheating in my own single player games. Years ago when I first played I didn't know anything about the console commands and didn't have access to a fast enough connection to download any mods. So, I played the vanilla game multiple times. Later, now that I've learned more I sometimes make use of various codes and commands, mostly to make the experience more streamlined (and sometimes just for fun I'll use CTRL+Y on an annoying enemy before reloading). CTRL+J is probably the command I use most, and on occasion I'll use the console to fix a bug or create an item I foolishly forgot and can no longer grab.
I wouldn't have wanted to use console codes, read walkthroughs, or install mods on my first playthrough. For me it's more fun to play around with those things later. But, there are a lot of people who want to blast their way through the game as a god. Happily, the Infinity Engine offers something for everyone.
'Program Options', 'Maximum Frame Rate', '60',
Everything will be faster, including your party member speed. In this way you're not cheating, since even enemies will move faster.
edit: Upon rereading I realize you meant setting the stats in BG2 to reflect the changes made in BG1. I suppose by a strict interpretation of the rules that would be cheating, but I think it would be fair since in "reality" the character wouldn't lose those increases.