Summoner: Wizard (Conjurer) or Sorcerer?

Hi all, been a while.
So I've always wanted to play a summoner esq mage. Some one who summons beasts, monsters, and the like while sitting in the back flinging minor buffs/debuffs. I'd carry this character to BG2:EE and possibly IWD:EE (the template that is). What do you guys recommend? Which class/race would be best? I'd be using mainly all the summon monster spells, in terms of priority.
So I've always wanted to play a summoner esq mage. Some one who summons beasts, monsters, and the like while sitting in the back flinging minor buffs/debuffs. I'd carry this character to BG2:EE and possibly IWD:EE (the template that is). What do you guys recommend? Which class/race would be best? I'd be using mainly all the summon monster spells, in terms of priority.
Post edited by TheGreatGodLoki on
Definitely don't do this with a sorcerer in BG as the summons get so weak and you can't change your spells.
Also consider Druid and Bard for the theme (Skald song to buff your summons is great).
Play a totemic druid, they are the most awesome summoners, their special summons have very nifty abilities and you can choose which one to call depending on the situation. Plus fire elemental summons by a druid is very very strong, easily the best mid level summon, also you can 'summon' insect plagues to harass your enemies. Insect plague is particularly devastating in bg2 against mages.
Thing is, the game requires a lot more from you than sitting back, unloading a few summons and then relaxing in the lazyboy with a cool one and popcorn while your boys go to town.
Be aware there will be times where you are out of summons and now need to rely on other measures.
So what do you want those other measures to be?
You need to have an idea of what you want your PC to be capable of. To a degree, your party will carry you through but they will depend on your leadership to progress the game.
First rule of BG, do not suck at what you do.
Second rule, see first rule.
You need to build a character that can handle bizarre situations with impromptu flexibility. Being a summoner is great, right up until the enemy just purged all your summons with a spell.
Read the forums, get an idea of what you are going up against but most importantly build a fun character that will see you through the game.
Summon monster I
Summon monster II
Spider Spawn
Summon monster I
Summon monster II
Summon monster III (level 5)
Spider Spawn (I'm pretty sure that there is 1 scroll of this)
In bg2 you get many more options but it's difficult to have summons that are strong enough relative to your level.
If you adventure with a small party - maybe 3 characters - then you'll level up fast enough to get some decent summons before they're too low level to make a difference. In bg1 sorcerer is okay as an option but in bg2 your lower level summons will quickly be worthless.
I still recommend to play a summoner in IWD with HoF active as the summons get the same buffs as the enemies so your summons become really strong. Add a bard and a skald to the party and your summons can become quite strong.
They are amazing!