Spell Sequencer and Malison

I've been trying to use Malison with some other spell combos in a sequencer. Every time I cast it, malison is always the last spell to be cast no matter what order I put it in. It would be a lot more helpful if the enemies had -4 to saving throws before Emotion or Confusion hit them. Three skull traps, flame arrows, or any other combination of the two spells seem to fire off in order.
I never really used sequencers before so I'm not sure if this has been common knowledge or not.
I never really used sequencers before so I'm not sure if this has been common knowledge or not.
Perhaps try sequencing it in a Spell Trigger, with two level fives putting it in the front (Chaos and Feeble Mind maybe?) and see if it still comes out last? That at least might ident it's unique to Malison.
edit - only diff I know between those 3 level 4 spells is duration. Confusion and Emotion last 2 rds +1 rnd per level. Malison lasts for TWO rds per level, so lasts longer. Might affect the sequence, just a hunch.
I also have keen interest in this since idrc if this happened in vanilla. The spells selected to go with it are excellent. Are Emotion and/or Confusion projectile as well? I don't have nearinfinity so no idea personally.
Simple stuff, really. Open up the slow spell, look for its projectile. Note the number. Open up the Greater Malison, and change its projectile to slow's projectile number. Save the spell. It should work. I am at work now, and can give a more detailed workaround when I am home.
Slow spell has a more instantenous projectile effect, although it is NOT insta-instaneous. Still should work better than chaos's and emotion's slowly advancing sparkling magic effect.
I know with a wild mage in an old game, I used crowd control spells more than anything and malison would always hit last. Now with my sorcerer, I was using skull trap and flame arrow but malison always hit after the damage was calculated. I tried every order I could with flame arrow, skull trap, and malison. Skull trap and flame arrow worked fine, malison always effected enemies last.