Undead Hunter gets diseased? Really? REALLY?

Of the many times I've played this series (and all the other Black Isle games) I've never ran an UH before.
Figured with this shiny new edition out now, time to give one a whirl.
Imagine my SHOCK ( go ahead, imagine, I'll give ya a minute) to discover they can be diseased!
Diseased, by undead, an Undead Hunter.
"Congrats Frank! you are now a full fledged Undead Hunter. Get out there and whoop their asses!"
"Thanks prof, any hints?"
" Well you know you are immune to their level drain..."
"Uh huh"
"And they can't hold you in place and suck yer blood or eat yer entrails..."
Oh but watch out for their disease ability, especially ghasts"
"You are kidding, did I sleep in that day of class? You mean one of their ugliest abilities is gonna make me about as useful as a gnome barbarian and I have no resistance?"
"Uh yeah, budget cuts, we nixed that from the course last year. Know any hot elven Cleric chicks?"
Of all the bloody stupid abilities to nerf. Disease on an UH. Dang it Billy-Jo Bob vanilla Pally down the street that can't even spell ghast has resistance. So I guess Blight is gonna rain on my parade as well.
Mumbles not-nice-words and stomps off to the fridge for a beer. Kicks cat just because....
Figured with this shiny new edition out now, time to give one a whirl.
Imagine my SHOCK ( go ahead, imagine, I'll give ya a minute) to discover they can be diseased!
Diseased, by undead, an Undead Hunter.
"Congrats Frank! you are now a full fledged Undead Hunter. Get out there and whoop their asses!"
"Thanks prof, any hints?"
" Well you know you are immune to their level drain..."
"Uh huh"
"And they can't hold you in place and suck yer blood or eat yer entrails..."
Oh but watch out for their disease ability, especially ghasts"
"You are kidding, did I sleep in that day of class? You mean one of their ugliest abilities is gonna make me about as useful as a gnome barbarian and I have no resistance?"
"Uh yeah, budget cuts, we nixed that from the course last year. Know any hot elven Cleric chicks?"
Of all the bloody stupid abilities to nerf. Disease on an UH. Dang it Billy-Jo Bob vanilla Pally down the street that can't even spell ghast has resistance. So I guess Blight is gonna rain on my parade as well.
Mumbles not-nice-words and stomps off to the fridge for a beer. Kicks cat just because....
Not sure if I follow what you infer. We're not talking a case of chicken-pox picked up in Walmart, Biloxi here.
What pray tell would a "normal" disease in Faerun be?
It's a place where magically created diseases I suggest are the NORM.
Elminsters' description had me pull out my books and yes, the "Ghost Hunter" does not have that ability but don't get me started on what unique abilities he DOES have that they elected not to implement.
Anyway, the imposition is far from a game changer but I still suggest it is ridiculous.
An UH would certainly enter the field with wards if not innate ability to counter disease from ghasts, mummy rot and the like. Lycanthropy I put on a different scale but indeed it is a disease affliction.
The whole oversight sure took me by surprise though.
I played a vanilla Paladin for runs through the IWD vanilla series more than once and assuredly he laughed at mummies.
Looks like my UH in IWDee will need a bit more caution.
edit - btw - the Inquisitor does not have, as identified in his description, the ability to cure disease. Does he have innate prevent disease? what about the Cavalier? I have yet to play these kits.
That said, the other two kits have great RP potential, (Inquisitor could be banished to Icewind Dale by a powerful Mage, Undead Hunter because duh), so there's no need to avoid them altogether.
Only my opinion, course.
The danger of getting diseased fits very well into a party role-playing context, too, ... with its necessity to be at least a bit careful when encountering undead. Don't whack them all too blindly since you may get in touch with their diseased blood.
If one doesn't always want over-powered heroes with only "the best" weapon for each class, there are some funny combinations, such as a heavily armored fire-protected paladin wearing the Harbringer. Until, of course, +3 isn't enough.
One of the many reasons to roll a paladin was for those free immunities, but BG/IWD pallys don't get it. They get Cure Disease instead, which is easy to just cast on yourself since disease generally works a lot slower than poison. Still a pain in the rear to deal with, though.