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#8604 You should not lose HP when you load the game while wearing the Pale Green Ioun Stone

AutequiAutequi Member Posts: 403
edited January 2015 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)
1. Start a new game with Daria pregenerated character.
2. Use CLUAconsole to cheat in a Pale Green Ioun Stone ("helm20").
3. Equip ioun stone to increase maximum hit points.
4. Drink a health potion to return to full hit points.
5. Save or quicksave game.
6. Reload the game.

The hit points added due to the ioun stone are lost upon reloading the game.

The hit points added due to the ioun stone are retained upon reloading the game.
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • HurricaneHurricane Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 730
    It is somewhat of a let-down that this age-old vanilla BG2 bug is still not fixed. Let's see if I can help with the bug report.
    Autequi said:

    The hit points added due to the ioun stone are lost upon reloading the game.

    Not quite. It's true that the Pale Green Ioun Stone causes a bug with hit points, but the number of hit points lost is not the same as what is gained by the 10% increase.

    I made the following observations:

    1. There are no hit points lost if the character's Constitution is 14 or lower, regardless of the character's number of hit points. Only characters with 15 Constitution or higher are affected. That means the bug is in some way related to the bonus hit points gained from a high Constitution score.

    2. Generally speaking, a higher hit point bonus from Constitution increases the number of lost hit points.

    3. The ratio of bonus hit points to class-based hit points affects the number of lost hit points, but not in a consistent way:

    - A Cleric (D8) with 15 Con and maximum possible hit points at level 9 has 81 hit points (72 from class, 9 from Con). This character loses 1 HP when wearing the ioun stone.

    - A Fighter (D10) with 15 Con and maximum possible hit points at level 9 has 99 hit points (90 from class, 9 from Con). This character suffers no lost hit points.

    - A Barbarian (D12) with 15 Con and maximum possible hit points at level 9 has 117 hit points (108 from class, 9 from Con). This character loses 1 HP.

    - A Figher (D10) with 15 Con and maximum possible hit points at level 10 has 102 hit points (90 from class, 9 from Con, 3 fixed). This character loses 1 HP.

    4. This bug report is relevant to BG:EE as well because the same bug exists in BG:EE, where the Pale Green Ioun Stone can be bought during the Black Pits.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    Here we go again...... Click here for further information
  • HurricaneHurricane Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 730
    This ticket does not appear on the current List of Known Issues. Maybe that would prevent multiple reports in the bugs section.
    Also, is the existing ticket updated with the information I posted about the CON score dependency?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Added to the 1.3 list.

    If a ticket has been raised that means the issue can be reproduced and there is sufficient information available for it to be looked at. The repro case for this takes constitution into account, yes.
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