[New Item Icons!] New Excellent BAMs for Baldur's Gate.

I am Wondering who and or whom is interested in lending me permission to use their or 'free game' Excellent BAMs.
I have created my Own BAMs before and I will shar them with you as they 'crop-o-gate'. Although I'm curious as to if I can create a thread where I can display my BAMs and also be granted use or creative input for some excellent BAMs created by the 'local' Baldur's Gate / Infinity Engine community.
So without further fan fair or ado here we are with my ['current'] BAMs!

Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1!
(More Information on the Redesigned Non-Player Character: Osprey - http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/32091/new-expansion-pack-baldurs-gate-path-of-the-lost-odyssey#latest )
[BAM Origin Story: "I Created Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1 BAM [Item Icon] myself on Bamworkshop and Earlier Bamworkshop II (It is not compatible with the Original Baldur's Gate), plus I also was editing screen shots with Microsoft Paint then scaling the inflated art pixels down into an importable size for Bamworkshop 1.107. Afterwards I imported the new BAM file into [my] Baldur's Gate Override file and hooked it up (via Nearinfinity) to the custom Two-Handed Sword +1 for Osprey tested and tweaked the file into a bug-free format and then BAM! (puns :-P )
That is the 'short' story of ISW2HO05, or also know as Osprey's Two-Handed Sword +1!"]
DeviantART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Osprey-s-Unique-Purple-Two-Handed-Sword-1-506562065?q=gallery:withinamnesia/46496241&qo=0

[Bam Origin Story: "I redesigned the Scimitar BAM file (Icon File) for it was used for both the 'default' version and the Magical +1 version. I created this New BAM to give the Scimitar +1 a unique appearance!
I had one heck of a time trying to find a colour tinting application after I failed many times to find a tinting function within Photoshop 7.0. I don't like "GIMP 2" nor "Tint" very much and I resorted to an online Image editing tool: http://www166.lunapic.com/editor/.
I hope you guys like it and you can find me on the Baldur's Gate Forums:
I Wish Much Creativity for Everyone!"]
DeviantART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/BAM-New-Scimitar-1-506756750?edit=1

[BAM Origin Story: The Item BAM 'Currently' Broken after hours and hours and hours of programs failing..]
DeviantART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/New-Long-Sword-1-507523269?ga_submit_new=10%3A1421450667
*SECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION* ['Beep-Boop', *Low Hum of Dial-Up Internet Connection Sound Continually Looping*]
So does anyone have anything topic relate to mention and or suggest or do you guys have a question? I would love to talk and discuss BAMs, Stories and 'Excellent Ideas':-P. So please feel free to comment and or leave your own opinion on whatever pertains to the thread topic!
Also.. I have this Golden Axe that I made 'many many many MANY moons ago' on Corel Draw that I have yet to 'add to the collection'...
Additionally here are some Exceptional [and or] Inspirational Community Crafted Drow Adamantite Equipment for 'you guys' from Baldur's Gate: Dark Side of the Sword Coast - 'The Unofficial Second Expansion'

'These BAMs' Inspired Me to Download and 'Fire Up' Bamworkshop I and II
[Thus: Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1 BAM].
(You may 'Like' if you think that this thread is perhaps 'Cool'?)
I have created my Own BAMs before and I will shar them with you as they 'crop-o-gate'. Although I'm curious as to if I can create a thread where I can display my BAMs and also be granted use or creative input for some excellent BAMs created by the 'local' Baldur's Gate / Infinity Engine community.
So without further fan fair or ado here we are with my ['current'] BAMs!

Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1!
(More Information on the Redesigned Non-Player Character: Osprey - http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/32091/new-expansion-pack-baldurs-gate-path-of-the-lost-odyssey#latest )
[BAM Origin Story: "I Created Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1 BAM [Item Icon] myself on Bamworkshop and Earlier Bamworkshop II (It is not compatible with the Original Baldur's Gate), plus I also was editing screen shots with Microsoft Paint then scaling the inflated art pixels down into an importable size for Bamworkshop 1.107. Afterwards I imported the new BAM file into [my] Baldur's Gate Override file and hooked it up (via Nearinfinity) to the custom Two-Handed Sword +1 for Osprey tested and tweaked the file into a bug-free format and then BAM! (puns :-P )
That is the 'short' story of ISW2HO05, or also know as Osprey's Two-Handed Sword +1!"]
DeviantART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/Osprey-s-Unique-Purple-Two-Handed-Sword-1-506562065?q=gallery:withinamnesia/46496241&qo=0

[Bam Origin Story: "I redesigned the Scimitar BAM file (Icon File) for it was used for both the 'default' version and the Magical +1 version. I created this New BAM to give the Scimitar +1 a unique appearance!
I had one heck of a time trying to find a colour tinting application after I failed many times to find a tinting function within Photoshop 7.0. I don't like "GIMP 2" nor "Tint" very much and I resorted to an online Image editing tool: http://www166.lunapic.com/editor/.
I hope you guys like it and you can find me on the Baldur's Gate Forums:
I Wish Much Creativity for Everyone!"]
DeviantART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/BAM-New-Scimitar-1-506756750?edit=1

[BAM Origin Story: The Item BAM 'Currently' Broken after hours and hours and hours of programs failing..]
DeviantART Source: http://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/art/New-Long-Sword-1-507523269?ga_submit_new=10%3A1421450667
*SECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION* ['Beep-Boop', *Low Hum of Dial-Up Internet Connection Sound Continually Looping*]
So does anyone have anything topic relate to mention and or suggest or do you guys have a question? I would love to talk and discuss BAMs, Stories and 'Excellent Ideas':-P. So please feel free to comment and or leave your own opinion on whatever pertains to the thread topic!
Also.. I have this Golden Axe that I made 'many many many MANY moons ago' on Corel Draw that I have yet to 'add to the collection'...
Additionally here are some Exceptional [and or] Inspirational Community Crafted Drow Adamantite Equipment for 'you guys' from Baldur's Gate: Dark Side of the Sword Coast - 'The Unofficial Second Expansion'

'These BAMs' Inspired Me to Download and 'Fire Up' Bamworkshop I and II
[Thus: Osprey's Unique Purple Two-Handed Sword +1 BAM].
(You may 'Like' if you think that this thread is perhaps 'Cool'?)
Post edited by WithinAmnesia on