idiosyncrasies when creating characters - spoilers

Hi all. I've noticed when rolling characters everyone has their little or rather large reasons that, in their own opinion, they create characters a certain way. Be it OCD or simply because to them, certain choices make sense. With me, I have lots of 'weird' traits. Firstly, alignment: always play chaotic good. To me, it's my favourite alignment. Free spirit, benevolent, a bit badass at the same time. Chaos from bhaals essence, gorions good nature rubbing off.
Class: class to me is non restrictive. I'm open minded and imo you can justify any class based on the story if you think enough into an idea. Nature vs nurture and all that jazz. Race: call me insane and contradictory, but half elves, humans, orcs yes. Sorry, for me, no matter how hard I try, I can't play a 20 year old child elf. Yes, I've seen all sorts of reasons given, bhaals essence ageing bhaalspawn to culminate at the same time. It is of course a game to play how you wish (obviously) but more often than not I'll go human (which is odd given what I've said about class) .
Stats: this is my most frequent source of frustration in character creation. Strength, not fussed unless I am a warrior, it must be at least 18/91. My ocd aims for an 18/00 to match my half brother however, in my mind, a warrior with 18/91+, 18 dex and 18 con is slightly less strong then old sarevok but one point more in dexterity. Int, again very restrictive. The lowest I'll go is 14 Int. Can't stand a stupid pc in this game. Don't get me wrong, 10 is approximately average but I'm the leader of my party at the centre of a great prophecy and I want to be able to have the smarts to comprehend my every move with a good dose of mental reasoning and a score of 14 intelligence to me is the baseline for this. Wisdom not fussed generally but for spellcasters an 18 even ignoring those handy tomes. No genie is going to fool me! Chrisma always 16. It's a nice number, a strong leader and personality.
What do you end up with? An insanely high roll that must be higher than sarevoks again. Yup, I'm hung up on his 95 which for all I know was enhanced via tomes too. I literally spend hours rolling with my record being 102 ranger years ago. It's like getting a bonus seeing numbers like that pop up. Lastly, no odd numbers except the number after 18 for exceptional strength. So yep, that's what I do, and it's logical to me. So how about you? What are your dos and don'ts of character creation? Are you quite easy going with your characters or do you have you own little quirks?
Class: class to me is non restrictive. I'm open minded and imo you can justify any class based on the story if you think enough into an idea. Nature vs nurture and all that jazz. Race: call me insane and contradictory, but half elves, humans, orcs yes. Sorry, for me, no matter how hard I try, I can't play a 20 year old child elf. Yes, I've seen all sorts of reasons given, bhaals essence ageing bhaalspawn to culminate at the same time. It is of course a game to play how you wish (obviously) but more often than not I'll go human (which is odd given what I've said about class) .
Stats: this is my most frequent source of frustration in character creation. Strength, not fussed unless I am a warrior, it must be at least 18/91. My ocd aims for an 18/00 to match my half brother however, in my mind, a warrior with 18/91+, 18 dex and 18 con is slightly less strong then old sarevok but one point more in dexterity. Int, again very restrictive. The lowest I'll go is 14 Int. Can't stand a stupid pc in this game. Don't get me wrong, 10 is approximately average but I'm the leader of my party at the centre of a great prophecy and I want to be able to have the smarts to comprehend my every move with a good dose of mental reasoning and a score of 14 intelligence to me is the baseline for this. Wisdom not fussed generally but for spellcasters an 18 even ignoring those handy tomes. No genie is going to fool me! Chrisma always 16. It's a nice number, a strong leader and personality.
What do you end up with? An insanely high roll that must be higher than sarevoks again. Yup, I'm hung up on his 95 which for all I know was enhanced via tomes too. I literally spend hours rolling with my record being 102 ranger years ago. It's like getting a bonus seeing numbers like that pop up. Lastly, no odd numbers except the number after 18 for exceptional strength. So yep, that's what I do, and it's logical to me. So how about you? What are your dos and don'ts of character creation? Are you quite easy going with your characters or do you have you own little quirks?
Post edited by Wilko on
I rarely play humans. That is about my only quirk when it comes to characters.
I've tried all sorts of artificial limitations to make the game more challenging. I don't find I have any obsessions about all even numbers or anything like that.
Also, I used to have a tendency to play humans. I picked it up in the early days of Gold Box gaming when other races had level limits.
I am rarely ever evil. I've tried before but I can't really bring myself to being that mean. I'm usually chaotic good but sometimes I'll play true neutral just so I can justify pretty much any decision I make.
As far as abilities, I don't like having any stat under 10. I am a demi-god, I should have good stats, simple. I will occasionally set out with some stats under 10 in anticipation of skill tomes though. I usually power game with rolls of 96 and over but lately I've been having a lot of fun with unoptimized characters.
My current run is a gnome thief/illusionist with 11 STR, 17 DEX, 17 CON, 13 INT, 15 WIS, 12 CHA. Even this char is pretty powerful though.
My next run I plan on doing a halfling barbarian with a roll of 75, now that should be fun.
*when I don't take a 75 roll
Also I've stopped actually rolling stats in like 2008 or something. I just set myself a reasonable total (anything from 80 to 90 usually, depending), and distribute as needed with CTRL debug or Keeper.
Oh, and I never play shorties except maybe dwarves.