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Cheats and Bag of Holding

Questions on two topics:

1. 'Program Options', 'Debug', '1',
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
In the Steam community someone said to add these to the Baldur.ini file in order to use cheats/console. It works, but is it safe and is it the recommended way to enable the console?

2. Found a new item for sale in Kuldahar called the Bag of Holding. Does this item have a maximum capacity? If it does, are there others in the game aside from the one in Kuldahar? Doesn't this item make the gem bag, potion bag, and scroll case obsolete?


  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    1. I don't know what the first line is for. The second line is all you need. But yes, it's both safe and recommended.

    2. The Bag of Holding does have a maximum capacity, like all other containers. I don't know off the top of my head what it is, but you'll run into it if you just try and stuff everything into the bag. As such, it doesn't really make the lesser containers obsolete, as they tend to be more common, and can be used to hold some of the most common item types in the game. The Bag of Holding is *better* than the gem bags, scroll cases, etc., but there aren't enough Bags of Holding to hold everything you'll want to carry throughout the game.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    For organizational reasons alone, I like to keep scrolls in scroll cases, gems in gem bags, potions in potion cases, etc. It makes finding what you need later much easier than simply dumping everything into the bag of holding.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    For organizational reasons alone, I like to keep scrolls in scroll cases, gems in gem bags, potions in potion cases, etc. It makes finding what you need later much easier than simply dumping everything into the bag of holding.

    I do this as well. Inventory space is not actually all that important once you know what you really need and what you don't. An extra few slots wasted to be able to find what you need when you need it more quickly? A fair trade imo.
  • Van FolVan Fol Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    Who sells Bag of Holding in Kuldahar? I couldn't find it.
    Perhaps it is available after reaching certain chapter?
    edit: I've got it. Orrick has it after returning from Dragon Eye.
    Post edited by Van Fol on
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    In a six man party I don't experience a need for the bag of holding until Dorn's deep where everyone and their mother drops +1 swords and chainmails I want to drag to town and sell. It costs 10000 GP IIRC, but since money is abundant and items worthy to buy are so few, that's not much at all. The most important container is the one for arrows, IMHO. At least if you got a ranged char or two with 3-5 APR, going up to 6-10 with haste/IH.

    Has anyone tried to stash other containers in a bag of holding? I just thought of it and since I am at work I cannot try it. I would assume it won't work, but I got curious now.
  • grogersongrogerson Member Posts: 116
    @Skatan - Sorry, but portable containers (bags of holding, ammo belts, gem bags, scroll and potion cases) can't store other containers. They *can* be stored in stationary containers such as chest, boxes, shelves and the like, however.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    @grogerson: As I thought then. Thanks for confirming!
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