Portraits for Baldur's Gate from Dragon Age: Inquisition

You all possibly know my love for portraits that can be used in BG (and IWD).
Recently, I've been quite sucked into Dragon Age: Inquisition. There can be many opinions on whether that game is good or bad but I think that the artwork and the characters' design in DAI are top notch.
Here I present you the portrats of DAI companions in the suitable format for BG (210x330 pixels, 24-bit BMP)

Recently, I've been quite sucked into Dragon Age: Inquisition. There can be many opinions on whether that game is good or bad but I think that the artwork and the characters' design in DAI are top notch.
Here I present you the portrats of DAI companions in the suitable format for BG (210x330 pixels, 24-bit BMP)

Sorry, I should have made that one post, but I got excited.
This is awesome. Now I'm trying to figure out what class they'd all be in BG terms.
Blackwall: Fighter, maybe dwarven defender, in spite of not being a dwarf?
Sera: Archer or swashbuckler?
Iron Bull: Barbarian
Cassandra: Inquisitor
Vivienne: Mage? Fighter/mage?
Varric: Bounty Hunter
Dorian: Necromancer
Solas: Sorcerer?
Cole: Shadowdancer
But thanks for posting them anyway. I am sure a lot of people will appreciate it.
So, here're the portraits for the advisors: Leliana, Josephine and Cullen:
Archers are rangers, and Sara's empathy with the wilderness/nature is zero, if not negative. And she is good at picking locks, which rangers can't do.