PnP Improved invisibility

in BGII:EE Mods
I made for myself a little mod that make Improved Invisibility work as PnP 2e (i.e. as only Mislead works now) and if somebody is interested I am gladly sharing it. For those that think something like this is "overpowered" please think otherwise because mages that cast invisibility in the game (and there are a lot, especially with Shadow Door that's 1 sec cast time) can really turn your group into dust if you don't have some dispels handy (btw the mod also changes Glitterdust to force visibility in every case if a save vs spell is failed - i.e. also if you are under immunity to divination that's a sure way to remove invisibility, and you cannot after become invisible again for the duration). Hence your T/M or F/T/M becomes surely much more powerful but so it's true for the opposition.
For now the mod is just "copy to override" style. If I see that people are interested I will create a full Weidu version of it with full description changes etc.
For now the mod is just "copy to override" style. If I see that people are interested I will create a full Weidu version of it with full description changes etc.
I changed it in a way that it bypasses whatever protection and forces visibility if the save is failed.
As for the change to improved invisibility: in pnp improved invisibility doesn't remove the invisibility status after you attack or cast a spell, in BG instead the devs adopted the 1e rules that removes the invisibility but leaves the status effects of the same (e.g. AC and THAC0). The mod make improved invisibility work as in PnP and you retain full invisibility after an attack or cast of a spell (for a thief this means that you can do multiple backstabs in a round while under the effect, for example) apart for a little fraction of time into which enemies can understand you are visible so they can counter it .
If you ever used MIslead with a M/T you can understand immediately the difference between the two dynamics. Only that with Mislead used cheesly enemies with vanilla scripts couldn't either understand you were attacking them by being invisible (so they stood there doing nothing if they didn't have the innate ability to see through invisibility) while instead in this way they can counter by true sight or similar.