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Random Questions :D

Axenotis9Axenotis9 Member Posts: 15
edited February 2015 in New Players (NO SPOILERS!)
Well, I think the title is self explanatory. I also started this discussion on 'New Players' so new players can learn something new that they didn't know. :D So yeah, let's begin;

1) Is there any difference between Alignments? Apart from the fact that evil characters aren't going to get along with evil. Is there any difference between Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic good Why there has to be so many? Do they have a different purpose for all 3 of them?

2) How does the infravision works? I really see no difference at all. Only that the characters become red at night.

3) If a bard attacks will he top singing?
Where can I see what buffs is are applied to my characters through singing?

4)I started watching on youtube some people that know the game and all of them have (on the right side that shows the character icons) so many buffs. I hardly have 3-5 and that is in combat because I use them. The
spells run off after some minutes. So I was wondering if there is a way to "perma-spell" so they will have them forever. Because, how do they keep their spells up for 20 min. and 30 min. (depending how long the video is) and never run off?

What I use are some Protections and Haste.

I tried to ask questions that haven't really been asked. So I apologise in advance if those questions have been asked
before, but I didn't find anything in google.



  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    1) Different alignments represent different kinds of personalities. They have no effect on the game unless you're going to roleplay the character accordingly. Lawful always tries to obey the law whereas chaotic does what ever he wants regardless of the rules and regulations.

    3) I haven't really played a bard, but I'm pretty sure the singing stops when they attack someone.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    1) Alignment doesn't affect much for the player character. It does determine starting reputation, spell list for clerics, and the effects of a couple cleric spells. Counter to common belief, it doesn't directly affect the BG1 powers. Those are based on reputation. However, note that alignment does determine starting reputation, so especially for the first power, alignment can be a strong factor.

    2) Congratulations, you've identified Infravision's entire purpose. It makes characters red at night. This is precisely as useless as it sounds.

    3) Bards stop singing when they take any action other than moving. This includes attacking and casting spells. The bonuses a bard provides with their song should be listed under Kit Description in the bard's Records screen.

    4) What Wubble said. Either the spells in question simply have long durations, or there's a magic item providing the effect. Note, however, that the icon on the portrait doesn't necessarily indicate precisely the effect of the associated spell. Boots of Speed, for example, provide the movement bonus of Haste but not the extra attack. There's even a cold-resistance item with an icon that looks like fire-resistance (although in that case it's because it uses the icon for the Resist Fire/Cold spell).
  • SkieSkie Member Posts: 90
    There are items that have alignment restrictions.
  • CaeDaresCaeDares Member Posts: 182
    Infravision, by my guess, is meant to help you see at night if you need it, but obviously, being in the dark isn't that big of a deal. Its basically a roleplaying spell.

    Bards will quit casting the moment you do ANYTHING that involves combat. Honestly, I don't find Bards usefulnat all because their buffs don't give enough oomph compared to giving up an extra char that could aid in the fight.

    Basically, Bards in BG suck pretty badly in terms of singing. Just get a Mage, sorcerer, druid or Cleric in his place. Cleric or druid if you could use another healer / buffer.

    Alignment changes a lot of things, while it IS for roleplaying purposes, it also effects what innate spells you get through the main storyline and there are a bunch of cool items that are restricted to certain alignments. Don't get down in the dumps if you find an item and you can't use it because you're a goody goody two shoes, though. There's plenty of better weapons and gear.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,473
    The big thing on alignment is its there to provide a guideline for how to play your character. I would say it's more about your morals and ethics than personality. And law vs chaos has little to do with "the law" as such. It's about if you place a higher priority on the whole of society or the rights of the individual. In a magical universe like in BG the issue is decided by rules that run the universe not the laws of man (that is, it's more about religion than government).
    It does have some bearing on spell and item usage, but much less so than in PnP.

    And this is a whole can of worms that usually leads to all sorts of arguments...
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    edited March 2015
    Wilbur said:

    3) I haven't really played a bard, but I'm pretty sure the singing stops when they attack someone.

    Yes and no. While the Bard stops singing, there's a bit of a lag before the effects of it's last song ends. So it can attack for a short while then resume singing again with very little loss of effect, or none at all.
    CaeDares said:

    Honestly, I don't find Bards usefulnat all because their buffs don't give enough oomph compared to giving up an extra char that could aid in the fight.

    That depends on what kind of Bard and what game you're playing. They can be very useful in IWD as their basic songs are much better than in the BG games. In the BG games however, selecting a Skald kit for your Bard makes them much better to have in the party than just the regular variety.

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