BG1 NPC Project Music Pack compatible with BGEE?

in BG:EE Mods
Hi. I discovered this link for the BG1 NPC Project Music Pack ( that @Shin posted in a separate discussion. I followed the link to the download and didn't notice any mention of compatibility with BGEE. Does anyone know if it works with the most recent version of the BG1NPC prerelease?
The last two mods I'm trying to track down are Coran's friendship pack and the NPC Indira. Do you know of any links to BGEE compatible versions of these two?
For Indira, @Erg has a beta v12 available at Pocket Plane:,29214.0.html
However, the BG1NPC Music Pack tracks are not handled as "in game music", they are played as sounds, not music. This means that if you conclude a dialogue quickly and then do something that can trigger a new track (e.g., start combat) then the game will interrupt the blank track and the in game music can play at the same time as the BG1NPC character music. There's no command to "StopSound" to halt the BG1NPC character music at the end of a dialog.
Shorter versions of the sounds could be added as an option, but that's about it for now.
EDIT: The character music sounds are currently 1 minute, perhaps 30 seconds?
Also, I've confirmed that this behavior also occurs on Tutu. So, at least it's not a new BGEE issue.
You know, if you keep producing/enhancing mods at this pace you're likely to pick up some groupies.