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Edric and level 6 spells

This is my first play through of the game and while it's been challenging, I seem to finally have the hang of it save for one thing: Edric, my main caster, has learned a ton of level 6 spells but has no slots to memorize them in. Is this a level requirement thing, or some sort of bug?


  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Assuming you're a wizard you should get your first level 6 slot at level 12.
    A full table can be found here:'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts
  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    edited February 2015
    As long as your intelligence is at least 12, when you reach 12th level, you should be able to cast 6th level spells: Mage Spell Progression

    ninja wubble
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    JLee said:

    As long as your intelligence is at least 12, when you reach 12th level, you should be able to cast 6th level spells: Mage Spell Progression

    ninja wubble

    we even linked the same site :smiley:
  • smcsmc Member Posts: 2
    Oh, cool, thanks for the quick replies. I recently played through KOTOR and KOTOR II, so I had gotten used to having to deal with game breaking bugs. Edric is my caster, I'm actually playing as a blackguard and loving it now that I have Lilarcor.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    If he is a bard, he needs to be higher level than 12 to cast lvl 6 spells. And lvl 6 is the maximum spell lvl for bards so don't teach bards higher lvl spells, it is a waste of the scroll. (Other than the xp gain)

    If he is a multi classed mage, his mage levels need to reach 12, which may take a bit longer than a pure mage.

    If he is a wild mage he can try to cast lvl 6 or higher spells in his spellbook via nahal's reckless dweomer spell:it may work, or it may be disastrous.
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