Help me design a class/kit

So i've been playing around with the dragon lance total conversion editor creating kits (and parts of kits). right now I'm working on a kit called an "artificer" which (so far) is going to be a thief kit that studies "an alien magic he calls "science" that he uses to create wondrous if delicate and temporary devices that he can use to aid him in his adventuring career" (it's a work in progress)
Anyway I believe-I haven't tested it out yet-that the create enchanted item spell is marvelously recursive allowing-again I think-one to simulate a craft system where one first selects an item type (helmet/hat/eyeware, gloves etc. ) and then a special ability(s) possessed by that item culminating in the creation of said item. Of course this will be a finite language where I'll be creating all of the final products but it still seems like a fun little project.
here is the basic idea: the class can create a small number of items that emulate magical effects but only last a short period of time.
I've created some mini fire bombs and gizmo glasses (inspired by mr. jan janson!). I'm probably going to create a telescope (farsight), some stink bombs (I seem to like bombs!) perhaps a zip gun (boom stick?). Generally a higher level artifacer will be creating better gear to (hopefully) be worth an item slot. Anyway, I'm hoping you can offer some ideas (or ideas for other kits if you like)
Anyway I believe-I haven't tested it out yet-that the create enchanted item spell is marvelously recursive allowing-again I think-one to simulate a craft system where one first selects an item type (helmet/hat/eyeware, gloves etc. ) and then a special ability(s) possessed by that item culminating in the creation of said item. Of course this will be a finite language where I'll be creating all of the final products but it still seems like a fun little project.
here is the basic idea: the class can create a small number of items that emulate magical effects but only last a short period of time.
I've created some mini fire bombs and gizmo glasses (inspired by mr. jan janson!). I'm probably going to create a telescope (farsight), some stink bombs (I seem to like bombs!) perhaps a zip gun (boom stick?). Generally a higher level artifacer will be creating better gear to (hopefully) be worth an item slot. Anyway, I'm hoping you can offer some ideas (or ideas for other kits if you like)
Since this is a thief kit, I can imagine that the things the artificer creates will mainly serve to aid his thieving skills. Things like lockpick toolkits, goggles that peer through armor and clothing (oh my!) to see if the target has anything to steal, camouflage powder for better stealth, and remote controlled traps.
I'd make it it's own class if I knew how. I personally think that there is plenty of room for non gnome scientists and engineers in the setting (admittedly it's better for a steam punk type setting; the realms seem to contain everything though...) humans make perfectly good inventors (they invented gnomes after all!) The stereotypical dwarf actually reminds me of some scientists!
But if I release it I'll probably include a "jan the artificer" component
Are you playing this more as a thief with tricks up his sleeves, or are you trying to make this a unique class?
So lvl 1 Infra red goggles... Lets the user see in the dark... The batteries can only hold their charge for 8 hours before needing a recharge.
Lvl 1 iClad A metal box that pumps out music into your ears... as inspiring as any bard! Shame the music is not that good yet. Maybe you will see more Bards to downsize and load into you iClad as you adventure?
Lvl 1 Lubricating Oil... Supposed to be used on you later inventions... but in the meantime is very useful hindering enemies when squirted on the floor.
And so on and so on
Lvl 9 Time machine. Yet to be perfected allows the user to revist the previous second for a total of 10 seconds.
I like the idea. But it is basiclly a non-magical wizard.
I think you should:
Keep it a class restricted to Gnomes Rogues / Bards
Use the Bards spell progression table for the amount spells / inventions castable each day.
On the rogue skills... Only allow progression in open locks, disarm traps and set traps. I dont think such a character would know the right end of a knife to backstab with as he would be too busy reading books all the time (plus he would be overpowered) He is always nearly in a dream world already thinking of new inventions... So forget spotting illusions and pickpocketing...
Heavy armour would cramp his style, he needs to bale to crawl around his machines, but he should be able to wear leather aprons etc He despises feeble magic as beneath him... So cannot use magic items... (However that does not stop him using his Robo Arm (Strength spell in disguise?) repeatedly.
Also perhaps his inventions sometimes go wrong producing wacky results... Borrow something from the wild mage table?
Hope this is useful. I like inventing classes.
It would be easy to make it a gnome only thief kit though. not what I'm interested in but any release could be gnome only (shrugs).
@anduin I like the wild magic idea!
One thing I don't want to go too "high tech". It would be conceptually easier as a bard kit (I might even be able to make device construction burn spells but I'm not quite sure I want to go there) as the devices could be fluffed as quasi magical.
I am already fluffing "science" as quasi magic so that might be enough to push the envelope a little (and I can't seem to switch out the darn casting animation for the ability so I'm stuck with that baring some bgee externalization magic) but I want to try to avoid over-the-top-suspension-of-belief-defying-anachronisms. This class won't be using a time stop machine.
As for disadvantages I'm thinking no backstab and 15% progression. I can give penalties to specific skills but I don't want to disable any of them (also the way I know how to do it would disable skills he probably should have like open lock and detect traps). I'm not going to disallow magic items. I want this guy to be versatile (similar to wizard versatility-with combat ability today, utility tomorrow) without magic but that disadvantage is too much imo. Also, I think the way I'd have to implement it is by assigning him wizard slayer item usability but I have no idea what other baggage that would bring (actually it would be useful to know exactly what features are attached to what item flags) . Heh, that would free up those item slots though!