Some more detailed questions about how thief skills work

I find myself not really understanding how to use all the thief skills in BG1:EE. I have never really used thieves before, other than rudimentary trap detection in the mines, so I'm not sure how it works, technically speaking. But this time I'm doing an all—evil playthrough, so I guess it's time I learned how to hide and steal. Strangely, none of the usual help websites seem to say anything about this. They just all assume everyone knows what to do.
EDIT: Well, after some more searching I found which explains every thieving concept and how to use it. My remaining questions are below.
Backstab: Hide, then strike at the enemy while hidden, get x2 damage. In the Goldbox games, you had to fix the enemy with a strike from the front (miss or hit OK) and then strike with a thief directly opposite. But how does BG1:EE define "behind"? As far as I know facing isn't implemented in this game.
Move Silently: What's the relationship between this and the Hide skill? How do they work together? Ah, found this one answered at and
"There is actually only one skill which the game engine uses in calculating the success of a stealth attempt, which is the single figure called "Stealth" for a Ranger but is the average of the two figures called "Hide In Shadows" and "Move Silently" for a Thief."
I want to go into houses and rob them, but as soon as I unlock anything or grab anything I'm not stealthed any more and I get caught every time. Is stealth the same as invisibility? What's the difference? To keep stealth, does it matter if you STAY in shadows, or do you just need to START in shadows?
What does "LOS" mean, exactly? How do you know if you're in enemy LOS? I'm at Tersus' tent in the Bandit Camp, and no matter if he has his back turned, or not, he immediately detects me as soon as I touch the chest. Unlocking it is OK, but clicking on its inventory counts as a theft attempt.
EDIT: Well, after some more searching I found which explains every thieving concept and how to use it. My remaining questions are below.
Backstab: Hide, then strike at the enemy while hidden, get x2 damage. In the Goldbox games, you had to fix the enemy with a strike from the front (miss or hit OK) and then strike with a thief directly opposite. But how does BG1:EE define "behind"? As far as I know facing isn't implemented in this game.
Move Silently: What's the relationship between this and the Hide skill? How do they work together? Ah, found this one answered at and
"There is actually only one skill which the game engine uses in calculating the success of a stealth attempt, which is the single figure called "Stealth" for a Ranger but is the average of the two figures called "Hide In Shadows" and "Move Silently" for a Thief."
I want to go into houses and rob them, but as soon as I unlock anything or grab anything I'm not stealthed any more and I get caught every time. Is stealth the same as invisibility? What's the difference? To keep stealth, does it matter if you STAY in shadows, or do you just need to START in shadows?
What does "LOS" mean, exactly? How do you know if you're in enemy LOS? I'm at Tersus' tent in the Bandit Camp, and no matter if he has his back turned, or not, he immediately detects me as soon as I touch the chest. Unlocking it is OK, but clicking on its inventory counts as a theft attempt.
Stealing from containers: Let me explain how this works and see if it answers your questions. Opening certain containers is considered stealing. For this discussion we will call these containers "private containers". Not all containers are private. Even if one container in an area is private that doesn't necessarily mean that all the containers in that area are private. The only way to figure out if a container is private or not is to try to steal from it. Removing traps from and picking the lock of a private container does not ever count as a thieving attempt. Opening a private container to view its inventory (even if you take nothing) is considered stealing. To get caught stealing from a private container there are some requirements. First, an NPC who is scripted to notice stealing must be in the area and be able to see the private container you have stolen from ("LOS" means "line of sight" and this is where that comes in). Note that to get caught stealing the NPC never actually has to see your character, only the violated private container, and thus stealth is useless in preventing getting caught. There are several ways to avoid getting caught stealing. First, if you leave the area that has the violated private container before you are noticed stealing from it then you have escaped getting caught and you will never be noticed (even if you later return to that area). Second, if you wait for all the NPCs to move out of the line of sight of the private container you can steal from it and they will not notice (Keep in mind that if they move so that they can see the violated private container, even if you left it long ago, you will still get noticed). Third, a charmed NPC will never notice you stealing so if you charm the NPCs in the area then it is easy to steal (note that if the charm wears off the NPCs will be able to notice you stealing again (also note that in BG2 charming NPCs will make them hostile once the charm wears off so you may want to avoid this method in BG2)). In most cases, when you steal from a private container and get caught guards are summoned to confront you. There is a way to avoid this, however. If you get caught stealing and the guards are summoned you have about 3 seconds to leave the area before they arrive. If you leave before the guards arrive then they never will arrive (even if you later return to that area).
Stealing from the bandit camp is a special case as you would hardly expect the outlaw bandits to summon the Flaming Fist now, would you. Intead they just get mad and attack you. Other than that the mechanism works the same.
Edit: Wow! Only 1 ninja. Kinda surprising considering the length of time it took to type all that. I even ninja'd someone! How about that!
Stealth/hide in shadows is akin to invisibility most of the time. True sight and other diviniation spells will reveal hidden characters. Any monster that can see invisible will see hidden character as well. Only difference is in non-detection spell, a hidden character can not be revealed by detect invisibility spells if he has non-detection, from the cloak or spell. Invisibility will always be revealed even with non-detection, and only spell immunity:diviniation protects the invisibility from diviniation magic.
Getting items from containers near neutral npcs are always tricky. You need to charm them or knock them uncouncious with fists, or a color spray before. Or, as soon as you pick the items gulp an invisibility potion or go stealth immediately. (Don't start with stealthed as game forces a cool down for hide skill now.) This will protect you from retribution from the summoned guards, even if it fails to avoid detection.
Tersus has his back turned to me, and has his nose stuffed in the wall - and yet he still detects me trying to steal from the chest. What sort of LOS is being used here?
Also, I can put him in the "blocked LOS" area behind the tent post, and he STILL detects me. I move to that spot, and I can see that my position near the chest is not in LOS from there.
Tursus CAN see the areas that I have cross hashed in Green.
Tursus CANNOT see the areas cross hashed in blue.
The red lines were just there to give me a reference point for the cross hashing so just ignore them.
Like I sad before, IT DOES NOT MATTER WHICH DIRECTION THEY ARE FACING!!!! They can see EVERYTHING in a 360 degree, 60 foot radius circle around where they are standing, just like your guys. He can totally see that chest! Also, remember that he catches you BY SEEING THE CHEST!!!! He does NOT catch you by seeing you!!!