The Demon Knight

God. I am so close to beating this fucker. I think I could beat him with my party against him and only him, but I dont want to do that. I want to beat him while damaging the mirror, since I think thats the harder fight.
However the 1 SINGLE THING that I cannot get around during this fight, is that 2 of the group of mirror fiends that get summoned, are cloaked in some aura sphere bubble, which I cant cast spells against. These are the most problematic mirror fiends because that cast confuse and use fireball. The fireball will kill my party, and the confuse will inevitably make somebody get killed.
My strategy so far has been to take my Main character Blackguard who has 85 hp and -6 AC basically run to the middle to aggro boss, then quickly hit mirror. Then the Demon Knight fights his own mirror image, and then I have the mirror fiends aggro to my main. I then take my main towards the right, near the bridge where 1 of the 2 sphere mirror fiend casters are. I then have all my ranged and Dorn, and the summoned minions I have attack the sphere mirror fiend, however my casters are useless and have to throw darts. Because apparently Dispel Magic isnt getting rid of w/e sphere they got.
The Demon knight himself hasnt been a problem at all really. There have been a bunch of attempts where he dies, its just those 2 god damn sphere mirror fiends that cast fireball and confuse which are screwing me up.
Any tips?
Annoys me I got through this entire tower, just to have the final fight screw me over, and its not even the actual boss that screwing me
However the 1 SINGLE THING that I cannot get around during this fight, is that 2 of the group of mirror fiends that get summoned, are cloaked in some aura sphere bubble, which I cant cast spells against. These are the most problematic mirror fiends because that cast confuse and use fireball. The fireball will kill my party, and the confuse will inevitably make somebody get killed.
My strategy so far has been to take my Main character Blackguard who has 85 hp and -6 AC basically run to the middle to aggro boss, then quickly hit mirror. Then the Demon Knight fights his own mirror image, and then I have the mirror fiends aggro to my main. I then take my main towards the right, near the bridge where 1 of the 2 sphere mirror fiend casters are. I then have all my ranged and Dorn, and the summoned minions I have attack the sphere mirror fiend, however my casters are useless and have to throw darts. Because apparently Dispel Magic isnt getting rid of w/e sphere they got.
The Demon knight himself hasnt been a problem at all really. There have been a bunch of attempts where he dies, its just those 2 god damn sphere mirror fiends that cast fireball and confuse which are screwing me up.
Any tips?
Annoys me I got through this entire tower, just to have the final fight screw me over, and its not even the actual boss that screwing me
Also, one of the mirror images is this ogre which hits ridiculously hard and often, he also might be a problem. To a lesser degree than the caster images though
However I did not get credit for killing the Demon Knight, because I was too busy focusing on everything else, the mirror killed him, so no 15k experience.
Do I still get to count this as a legit win? Should I start over but just try to only kill the Demon Knight, and not worry about the stupid adds?
Or should I continue trying to defeat both AND get the Demon Knight experience.
I need to know what is the way that I can convince my conscious that I won
Your win is 100% valid though!
And that fight was almost as hard as with the mirror images, but for slighty different reasons.
First he would dispel first target, which was easy to get past, just needed to send Imoen in there as bait. No problem here.
Then I would send my main in, and try to tank him, however even with 85 hp, 60% of the time a single fireball spell would hill him, and even if he survived, he would then get immediately stunned via power word stun. And then get killed.
I had the rest of the peeps be ranged. So they werent in danger, so the only thing I needed to figure out was how to keep mainchar alive.
Luckily I still had that insane blood goblet thing from an earlier floor level in the tower, so I used that to heal up my mainchar, however, I would then need something to protect him from the stun. Which after dying and dying and looking for new spells to use, I stumbled upon a spell I had Xan learn earlier which was that Otiluke sphere. Basically put an invulnerability on him. He couldnt do anything, but he didnt need to. Since the poisons from Dorns and his weapons, and the ranged attacks, were eventually able to take him down.
Also thanks to the summoned monsters for stalling for time while my mainchar was incapacitated.
Anyways. I think Im done with him. Need to move on.
Also, just wanted to say I cant believe how much stuff, exploring, puzzle solving, riddles, basically just overall content was in this single tower. I mean everything up until this point as okay, but this tower, it just has a shit ton of things in it to do compared to everything else I've experienced. Kinda a huge disparity. But im not complaining! Onwards!
Edit: One more thing. I can teleport out of this tower by talking to Islane, but do I get 1 final talk with Durlags ghost somewhere? Or was him escorting me to the Demon Knight area our last chat?
As for tactics for that encounter... I remember splitting up my party into three groups of two and attacking from three directions, so that a single Fireball or Chaos won't cripple the entire party. I also recall using summons as cannon fodder, that's a good idea for almost all tricky encounters.