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The Avenger Druid's Wyvern form should have the immunities listed in the spell's description.

TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
edited March 2015 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)
Repro steps:
1. Start a new ToB game with an Avenger Druid.
2. Have the avenger cast the Web spell.
3. Shift into Baby Wyvern form.
4. Walk (or fly I guess...) into the web's AoE.

The wyvern form is webbed on a failed saving throw.

The wyvern form should be immune to web, as well as hold, paralysis, slow, level drain, entangle, and grease, as per the spell's description.

The wyvern was never immune to these effects, but since they are listed in the description of the spell you will either need to implement the immunities or change the description. This issue is also present in BG1:EE.

Relevant files: SPCL633.spl, plywyvrn.itm


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