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Why am I getting max hp on level up regardless of difficulty?

Sorry to bother but I've been searching in vain...

Why am I getting max hp regardless of what difficulty setting I am on?

Details: I played BG2 when it first came out so I am very well aware of how hit points work on level up on each of the difficulty settings (e.g. fighter on core would be 1d10 + constitution bonus, but on normal would be the max i.e. 10 + con). I recently purchased BG2EE and started a new char. when I reached my first level up point for 3 of the chars (my main, Minsc, and Jaheira), even though I was set on Core Rules all 3 hit max hp on level up. I reloaded and tried again several times, then again on Insane several times. Always max HP for all 3. I'm on a Mac. I couldn't find a toggle other then the difficulty slider. What gives?

Thanks for your help!


  • MivsanMivsan Member Posts: 139
    The only thing I can think of right now is that you might want to check your baldur.ini file for this:

    'Game Options', 'Maximum HP', '1',

    and change the 1 to 0. It's one of the options they added in patch 1.3., though I don't remember if it's enabled or disabled by default.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    As of version 1.3, it's 1 by default. This is why you get max HP by default.

    According to @Dee here, it's an oversight.
  • ElderElder Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for explaining this.
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    I don't suppose one can insert this 'Maximum HP' line to the first game's baldur.ini file and hope it works?
  • MivsanMivsan Member Posts: 139
    Nihilus said:

    I don't suppose one can insert this 'Maximum HP' line to the first game's baldur.ini file and hope it works?

    It doesn't work in BG1. Though I suspect it will be added if / when a new BG1 patch happens.
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