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Game Data Editing Tutorial (Hex Style) - Android Friendly



  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2021
    @FenrirWolfganger 0x is basically just a notation to let you know the characters after it signify hexadecimal.

    0d = decimal
    0o = octal
    0b = binary
    0x = hexadecimal
  • FenrirWolfgangerFenrirWolfganger Member Posts: 31
    Trasd wrote: »
    @FenrirWolfganger 0x is basically just a notation to let you know the characters after it signify hexadecimal.

    0d = decimal
    0o = octal
    0b = binary
    0x = hexadecimal

    Thank you, I made more progress, and then edited my message but I still didn't know what 0x meant so thanks for that.
  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2021
    @FenrirWolfganger I find it's always better to ask when you don't know or understand something! So many people would get further in their pursuits if they wouldn't get embarrassed by simply admitting when they don't know.

    So, thanks for asking. It's how we learn.
  • FenrirWolfgangerFenrirWolfganger Member Posts: 31
    Weapon Proficiencies.

    The links @Trasd gave in the opening post give lists for Sex, Class, Race, Allignment etc, what value is which and where to find them but there's none for WP so for convenience I'm putting one here. This is for altering your WP's.

    As brought out above after finding your character you go down through their inventory (identified by the side bar if your using Hex Editor). About a line after that you will see this pattern e9, 12 spaces, First Number, 3 spaces, Second Number, 3 spaces, 09, 7 spaces, 64. The First Number is how many pips a WP has, the Second Number is the WP. There is then more zeroes, ff's, zeroes, ff's, zeros, and then the pattern repeats.

    Weapon Proficincy and Fighting Style List

    Axe 5c
    Bastard Sword 59
    Club 73
    Crossbow 67
    Dagger 60
    Dart 6a
    Flail/Morning Star 64
    Halberd 63
    Katana 5e
    Long Bow 68
    Long Sword 5a
    Mace 65
    Quarterstaff 66
    Short Bow 69
    Short Sword 5b
    Scimitar/Waki/Ninjato 5f
    Single Weapon Style 71
    Sling 6b
    Spear 62
    Sword and Shield Style 70
    Two Handed Sword 5d
    Two Handed Sword Style 6f
    Two Weapon Style 72
    War Hammer 61

    Obviously even you can give your Cleric five pips in Long Sword he still won't be able to use it but you can make him a Grand Master with a Sling. Hope this helps someone.
  • FenrirWolfgangerFenrirWolfganger Member Posts: 31
    Hi @Trasd Thanks again for this tutorial, I found it very useful through BG1EE. Of course there's a but...

    I'm in SOD and want to do BG2 next and wanted to do multiple Strongholds and Romances but I've gone over the Infinity Engine link you gave and can't see references to either (I may be BLIND). Did you come across hex values for the Strongholds or Romances?

    My apologies if its not what you investigated. I have tried looking but I'm probably just missing a couple of lines in what feels like a haystack of data.
  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    Sorry, @FenrirWolfganger, but I've no idea what SOD, or Stronghold and Romances are!

    I did a search, but came up with nothing. Can you provide a link? If it (they?) use the same Infinity Engine as the BG series, there should be no problems. But, I'm shooting in the dark here.
  • FenrirWolfgangerFenrirWolfganger Member Posts: 31
    Hi @Trasd thank you for your swift reply, and sorry my question wasn't clear. I often speak so briefly that all clarity is lost.

    SOD: BG:Seige of Dragonspear. I've already check it with HexEdior and it's also .gam Version 2.0 and .cre version 1.0.

    Stronghold and Romance, I meant the BG2EE Stronghold and Romance Quests. SOD also has Romance Quests which I'm assuming use the same format as BG2 because commenters using computers and mods don't talk of differences between the games.

    For the record, I reread this thread while researching last night and saw your repeated comments that you were only discussing the Baldurs Gate series here so wouldn't have been asking you about other games.
  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    @FenrirWolfganger Sorry, I passed out early last night.

    I wasn't impressed with the reviews, so I never bought SoD. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you. Hopefully one of the forums patrons will chime in and say something.

    I couldn't imagine Beamdog rewriting the game's data saving algorithms, but stranger things have happened!

    Good luck and, post your finding here, if you would!
  • FenrirWolfgangerFenrirWolfganger Member Posts: 31
    Thanks again @Trasd . If I do find the answers I'll be sure to share them. All the best.
  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    @FenrirWolfganger - I finally bought SoD because I couldn't pass up the sale price.

    Point me to the mods you're talking about (Stronghold and Romance) so I can have a look-see.

    BTW, I didn't really mean I'll only discuss BG games, but games that use the Infinity Engine. SoD discussions are fine.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I'm happy to hear that, @Trasd! Take care!
  • TrasdTrasd Member Posts: 63
    The documentation links all still worked, even after all this time. The only dead ones I found were the app links.

    But, after 9 years, because of changing tools, this tutorial has been reworked to be more generic. I hope it holds up better in the future when the tools change again. If anything is unclear, please let me know.
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