[Not An Issue] INI spwans are broken when CRE has Neutral Allegiance
edit: topic can be marked "not an issue", this is not a bug.
Current behaviour:
When you change Allegiance (0x270 offset) in CRE file from Enemy (255) to Neutral (128), when the INI spawn timer expires engine will spawn another CRE file, even if you didn't kill (or even seen - this has been also tested) the currently spawned creature.
Expected behaviour:
Engine should always wait for current spawn point to be cleaned (creature killed) before spawning another one.
How to recreate:
1. Place these 2 files in override directory (it's a standard KUBEAR.CRE with Allegiance changed to Neutral and AR2100.INI file with interval changed to 1, so we can observe how spawns work without waiting): https://www.sendspace.com/file/3pjiv5
2. Start new game with any character
3. Move to Kuldahar via C: MoveToArea("ar2100")
4. Set a global variable that will begin the spawn via C: SetGlobal("KULDAHAR_ALARM","GLOBAL",1)
5. See what is happening with spawns (shown in the attached screenshot)
Now delete KUBEAR.CRE from override and do the same testing procedure - now spawns will work correctly (engine will wait for you to kill the creature before spawning new one).
Current behaviour:
When you change Allegiance (0x270 offset) in CRE file from Enemy (255) to Neutral (128), when the INI spawn timer expires engine will spawn another CRE file, even if you didn't kill (or even seen - this has been also tested) the currently spawned creature.
Expected behaviour:
Engine should always wait for current spawn point to be cleaned (creature killed) before spawning another one.
How to recreate:
1. Place these 2 files in override directory (it's a standard KUBEAR.CRE with Allegiance changed to Neutral and AR2100.INI file with interval changed to 1, so we can observe how spawns work without waiting): https://www.sendspace.com/file/3pjiv5
2. Start new game with any character
3. Move to Kuldahar via C: MoveToArea("ar2100")
4. Set a global variable that will begin the spawn via C: SetGlobal("KULDAHAR_ALARM","GLOBAL",1)
5. See what is happening with spawns (shown in the attached screenshot)
Now delete KUBEAR.CRE from override and do the same testing procedure - now spawns will work correctly (engine will wait for you to kill the creature before spawning new one).
Post edited by Jalily on
This discussion has been closed.
Please take a look at ar2100.ini. You will see a line:
spec = []
That first 255 needs to be changed to 128 (neutral), if you spawn a neutral creature.
So.... not a bug.
Here is quote from IESDP: As you can see IESDP really needs update regarding INI file format: http://gemrb.org/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/ini.htm
It would be highly appreciated if Beamdog would be kind enough to share whole documentation on INI format.