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[Windows] [Steam] Knott in Bandit camp. Still friendly and creates Tazok quest

RidcullyRidcully Member Posts: 179
First bug post so hope I've done it correctly

Main tent cleared, Raemon etc dead. Taugosz also dead and all characters outside of tents are hostile

Inside tent at 2124,1015, Knott is not hostile. Conversation path 1-2-2 creates a "Tazok and the bandits" quest with information about the camp layout

Knott should be hostile. If the conversation does happen, it should be a journal entry not a quest


  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    So this would be a journal issue then... I don't think Knott should necessarily go hostile with the rest of them, but the journal entry should be prevented after finishing the camp quest...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2015
    @Cerevant I think it might make sense to put this entry under "Important Events" just because Tazok's tent is part of the critical path. Just curious to see what you think.

    Journal entry in question
    Tazok and the Bandits
    Loyalty in this camp runs about as strong as the iron they're stealing. With a little "encouragement," I was able to get one of the bandits to disclose that Tazok's tent lies in the northeast part of the encampment. If I'm to learn anything in this infernal place, I can only hope it will be there.
    Edit: On second thought "Tazok and the Bandits" seems like it has a number of different journal entries attached to it. Provided that they close at the end of chapter 3 they should probably be left as their own separate entry.

    @Ridcully I assume the issue here was that this one journal entry can be acquired after you go through Tazok's tent. So it won't be erased in that case.
  • RidcullyRidcully Member Posts: 179
    In OCD terms :) its the fact that a quest gets created with no way to move it to "Done quests". Nice at the end of the game to have no outstanding quests and a full "Done Quests"
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    yep got it
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    @Elminister and the rest: BG1 is a tough nut to crack journal entry wise. We developed a bit of code to address this issue in BG1, but the grouping and naming of journal entries in BG1 make it very difficult to group them consistently (so, for example, there are a number of quests that are split between Important Events and their own entries, entries for the same quest have different titles, etc). We did give it a try, but it was such a big change we were worried about breaking as much as / more than it fixed.

    We're using the new system in SoD and it does prevent a lot of issues with journal entries :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    @elminister strikes again! :)

    Yea I backtracked on that question. The issue here is that this one journal entry can end up being left in your journal if you go through Tazok's tent and then talk to Knott.
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