How you were introduced to Baldur's Gate...

It was 1998 at Christiana Mall in Delaware. Me and my cousin were at Electronics Boutique, and I saw Baldur's Gate on a display. Seeing that it was an AD&D game, my interest was piqued, but I had been disappointed many times before. I loved the pen and paper games, but at that time (and even now) there were very few must-play D&D titles. Thankfully, I bought it anyway, and NEVER regretted it. Anyone else remember the day they bought/heard about this game?
Soon had BG2 TOB+SOA, IWD, IWD2 and PS:T. Then came NwN. My geekiness knows no bounds! Only it's impossible to make Minsc as the character in NwN 1 OR 2. So. I waited. And waited. And then came...
Stand and Deliver. So that my Hamster might get a better look at you.
I was a little noob walking around in the aisles of Best Buy and looking for a new RPG to play. I found a box called "Tales of the Sword Coast" and got lost in a trance reading the back of the box and looking at the pictures. I got so excited I bought the game without even realizing it was only an expansion pack.
Thank you, Overhaul Games, for giving me a taste of that wonderful and nostalgic feeling!
My biggest problem with the Baldur's Gate series is the lack of randomization, after playing it for so long you tend to memorize every little detail. It's funny though, even without randomization the game still has such incredible replayability!
*Edit for typo*
Exactly. (Are you a forgotten ally of mine?)
While the lack of randomization can be a bit of problem, it has so much replayability that it's nearly negated. I've been using the same overall party build and playstyle for the past couple of years, and it still does not bore me. It's like reading Lord of the Rings more than once; the story remains the same, but the fascination does not wane.
-Try the fight with a certain set of spells
-Try the fight with only 3 or 4 members
-Try the fight with only 1 person but rest beforehand after 'memorizing' every single buff spell you have available, making the one person going into the fight's avatar completely blanketed in awesome buffs!
Not long after that, he installed the game on my own PC so I could play it. Fun times those were... didn't know what the hell I was doing! :')
I am used to little kids looking at complex games and immediately dismissing them as "boring". Watching a young mind becoming intrigued by an amazing game like Baldur's Gate is such a heart warmer! It takes me back when I was little and everything about videogames amazed me! RPG's in particular, I was blessed with an incredible imagination and when I played them I was the next best thing from actually being inside the game.
A lot of my really old video game memories feel more like "places I've been", rather then "places I've seen". Sorry if I'm getting really deep over something silly, but it's the staple of my life and makes me so happy to think about ^_^
I had just finished Fallout and thought it couldn't get any better than that. Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.