A lot of my really old video game memories feel more like "places I've been", rather then "places I've seen". Sorry if I'm getting really deep over something silly, but it's the staple of my life and makes me so happy to think about ^_^
Never apologize for your passions. So sayeth the wise Alaundo.
I used to be more of a reader than a gamer. Fantasy was always my thing, I think I randomly selected BG to play, and it has always remained my favorite! I still base most of my usernames off of characters I created in that world! I'm so glad that we have the opportunity to dust off this beauty and experience it together again.
( I have 'The Bitch Queen brooks no insolence.' stuck in my head to this day and randomly blurt it out to people ;p )
A friend of mine brought it with him when he came to visit one weekend in 1999, pirated copy, Took a while to make my own copies of all those discs. At first i hated it, but then i fell in love and bought the game.
Well, I was introduced to Baldur's Gate when my dad finished Diablo, and he wanted to get Diablo 2, however, seeing as that game wasn't out yet, the nice gamestop guys let us pre-order Diablo 2, and we also picked up a copy of Baldur's Gate while we waited for Diablo 2. However, I didn't finish Vanilla Baldur's Gate until recently. Hah.
I traded in some game I was dissatisfied with for BG2 from Virgin Megastore (I can't even recall the game I traded in or if was broken or if I just didn't like it). I had no idea what Baldur's Gate was, but I was desperate for something else to play instead of the game I was taking back, so I picked up BG2 on a chance and haven't regretted it since.
I had just started building my own computer, and I was at a big swap meet/computer show. I picked up the box and looked at the screenshots. I thought that it looked ultra cool. Wasn't there a shot of a mage casting something on the back?
Roommate went out and bought it and tried to get me to play it but i said no. So he got the girl i liked to play it and ask me to play it so finally i gave it. I tried it and enjoyed it but died alot, and the slow walking speed bugged me. I got to baldur's gate and it drove me crazy at how big it was. I didn't touch it again.
....until 2007, after a knee injury, i had nothing to play. I went though looking for the best games of all times, best rpgs, and baldur's gate kept turning up. I didn't remember much about it. Finally, i went to my bag of old pc rpg games, and found the copy of bg1 and bg2 w/expansions my old roommate had given me as a b-day gift. I remembered part 1, too slow, so i popped in part 2. Had alot of time on my hands, couldn't walk. Beat it. Played ToB, but wasn't as good as part 2, so decided to go back to part 1. Played it and loved it (wasn't in a hurry and clua'd in boots of speed ). Since then, i play it alot. I still like fallout 1/2 better, since i played that back in the day and loved it, but ehhh, ff xii was the game i was hoping i could spend time on. That game sucked and realized nothing good was out. Baldur's gate was there for me though, and when doc told me my leg was good enough to go back to work, my answer? Grrrr, two more weeks, let me finish my play through.
It was 2000 when Diablo 2 came out, me and my bro went to buy it (D2) at Electronics Boutique and as we had some pocket money left over, we had a look round for some RPG's to buy as we were just getting into them. So we ended up getting Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast in this twin pack and never regretted it, turned out better then the more expensive Diablo 2 we bought.
I've briefly heard about the game back when they were developing Diablo 2 from PC Gamer magazine. A friend from high school mentioned it just some time after the game was released, though he said he hated it and wanted to sell it. Baldur's Gate was then off my radar screen for a few years later.
Fantasy RPG's wasn't really my thing until around 2005-2006. It was around that time when I dabbled around with games like Morrowind, and eventually went to discovering Neverwinter Nights. I got so addicted to Neverwinter Nights that I went on to rediscovering Baldur's Gate. Hearing all the good things about the story, I went on eBay to pick up the series. I had to pick up BG1, TotSC, and the BG2 series from separate sources around the world, but it actually came down to being pretty economical. BG1 was a bit tough to get into at first, since it was rather clunky and archaic, but I played through the series from BG1 straight to ToB in the frame of a few months, and ended up really liking it .
( I have 'The Bitch Queen brooks no insolence.' stuck in my head to this day and randomly blurt it out to people ;p )
....until 2007, after a knee injury, i had nothing to play. I went though looking for the best games of all times, best rpgs, and baldur's gate kept turning up. I didn't remember much about it. Finally, i went to my bag of old pc rpg games, and found the copy of bg1 and bg2 w/expansions my old roommate had given me as a b-day gift. I remembered part 1, too slow, so i popped in part 2. Had alot of time on my hands, couldn't walk. Beat it. Played ToB, but wasn't as good as part 2, so decided to go back to part 1. Played it and loved it (wasn't in a hurry and clua'd in boots of speed
Fantasy RPG's wasn't really my thing until around 2005-2006. It was around that time when I dabbled around with games like Morrowind, and eventually went to discovering Neverwinter Nights. I got so addicted to Neverwinter Nights that I went on to rediscovering Baldur's Gate. Hearing all the good things about the story, I went on eBay to pick up the series. I had to pick up BG1, TotSC, and the BG2 series from separate sources around the world, but it actually came down to being pretty economical. BG1 was a bit tough to get into at first, since it was rather clunky and archaic, but I played through the series from BG1 straight to ToB in the frame of a few months, and ended up really liking it