How did we all know not to rescue Imoen as soon as we had the money?

I get a chuckle out of this one. Somehow even in my first playthrough I knew that it wasn't intended to go chasing after the cowled ones right away and In my 15 years of playing I know very few players that did.
Is there any particular logic behind this? Was it pure intuition? Trial and error? Did we just hunger for more power? Were the shadows lurking behind every avenue in Athkatla just too interesting to want to leave? Did you feel you might not be able to come back?
What made you guys wait?
Is there any particular logic behind this? Was it pure intuition? Trial and error? Did we just hunger for more power? Were the shadows lurking behind every avenue in Athkatla just too interesting to want to leave? Did you feel you might not be able to come back?
What made you guys wait?
From a RP point of view you've seen some items or high level spells that you just HAVE to have before going off to attempt such a bold rescue so you're really not just searching for 20K gold, you're also planning to bust your friend out of the most secure prison in Faerun. You just KNOW you'll need some solid gear (and typically allies) to make it happen.
I'd wager that if there was SOMETHING to give you periodic pokes towards the rescue, even if it wasn't actually on a timer, people would react very differently.
After you escape from Irenicus's dungeon and have the cut-scene in which Imoen (and Irenicus) are carried away by the Cowled Wizards, there is immediately a dialogue in which Minsc argues for chasing after Imoen straight away, but Jaheira warns that you'll just die if you rush in unprepared, and instead advises that you should first investigate the situation and make sure that you're strong enough to do the job, and Yoshimo then speaks up in support of what Jaheira says.
The game could hardly give you a bigger hint that you need to wait a while and build up a couple of levels before going to rescue Imoen.
I still remember when I first played the game, even though that's now a long time ago, and I remember realising (correctly) that Jaheira's cautious advice was probably wiser than Minsc's gung-ho enthusiasm, so I didn't chase Imoen until after I had solved several side-quests and gained a few levels. This (of course) turned out to be a good call.
with mind bullets! That's telekinesis, Kyle."
I thought, correctly as it turned out, that I would have to be several kinds of stupid to rush headlong, blindly and unprepared into a confrontation with an awesomely powerful foe.
Also consider the party being poisoned quest in BG1 where you had a finite time limit to finish it. Time limits were nothing "new" to an RPG when BG2 was released. The great thing is that you can RP it as you see appropriate as a logical argument can be made for racing into it or putting it off for later.
My charname, actually his name was not Charname, but Kheltick, felt bad about buying lots of expensive stuff that made the goal of 60k gp even further away, but he knew (not only 'RPG-logic', but from Charname's POV it's obvious he will face a difficult rescue operation) he would need to have good gear. So once the gear was top fit and the total amount of money was raised, the party took the boat straight away.
With the experience of the first playthrough under my belt, I decided to opt for 40.000 as the needed amount for my future playthroughs.
*disclaimer: the figures I mentioned are from memory, I'd have to go to my backup drive and look at the WeiDu's or fire up the backupped campaigns to check, but I don't have those around ATM.
After that it's a roller coaster to save Imoen and then reclaim your soul (stop Irenicus).
She is there for the start dungeon and the end game.
It's all a bit of blur now, 15 years later...